Mashup Video
Poem MASH-UP Activity Requirements: Use “Eldorado” by Edgar Allen Poe Use TWO of the poems/songs you read yesterday (copies in the folders) Create a MASH-UP using words/phrases/ideas from all three pieces. Your original pieces should reflect your ideas of the American Dream. Your poem will be 10 lines long. Bonus points for the use of poetic devices such as imagery, similes, metaphors, personification, etc. It IS a poem, after all! You have 30 minutes to draft!
Next Steps Share each poem with your group. As a group, decide on the one best mash-up (I’m sure they are all AMAZING, but please narrow it to one for presentation) Determine how your group will present the chosen mash- up. You can nominate one person to “perform” and everyone else support, or you can do a group presentation with everyone reading lines. It’s up to you! You have 30 minutes to accomplish these steps.
MASH-UP presentations! Please use the back of your paper to keep track of each group – their strengths, weaknesses, message, and the quality of their mash-up! Before you go…. Please listen carefully to directions and turn your paper in!