Mark Elliott Teaching and Ministry
apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium
Crucifixion painting – Where am I? Who am I?
We are especially in service of the last, the least and the left out.
Care and respect for all creation is everyone’s business.
“Our doors are always open” “Our doors are always open”. A sense of sacramentality is at the heart of our work in schools and parishes.
We should be signs of hope, clear about our mission and identity and focused on the integrity of the Gospel.
We are not serving God by being politically neutral We are not serving God by being politically neutral. Catholic social teaching is a call to action. We are called to Stand Up rather than Stand By.
We cannot remain on the sidelines in the flight for justice, particularly the needs of the socially isolated and demonised.
We need to take a broad, expansive view of Church teaching on social issues.
The truth of Christ must be presented from the traditions and cultures of the people.
Christians are called to be joyful; not living their lives like Lent without Easter.
“The Church is not best served by those who find cassocks, crew-cuts, and cufflinks more essential to their living of the Faith than compassion, cheer, and charity.”
Five Finger Prayer of Pope Francis