The European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change


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Presentation transcript:

The European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change By Keimpe Wieringa (ETC/ACC Manager) Joint UNECE TFEIP and EIONET Geneva, 9th May 2001

ETC/ACC: general information Established April 2001 for three years Lead organisation: RIVM, the Netherlands Around 10 -15 man year/year Successor of two ETCs: Air Emissions and Air Quality Focus on Air Pollution and Climate Change

ETC/ACC: A truly European consortium Lead organisation: National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM) 12 Partners: UBA- Berlin, Germany IIASA, Austria NILU, Norway UBA- Vienna, Austria AEAT, United Kingdom AUT, Greece CHMI, Czech Republic ICCS-NTUA, Greece DNMI, Norway SHMU, Slovakia TNO-MEP, The Netherlands Öko-Institute, Germany

ETC/ACC: Broadening of Scope Air Emissions and Air Quality (monitoring) Climate Change (full DPSIR chain) Integrated assessment: support air pollution and climate change policies Geographical extension of EU area

ETC/ACC: Vision and Priorities Partnership with countries and stakeholders Consolidate monitoring work Support Air Pollution and Climate Change Policies Enhance linkages between air emissions and air quality Explore cross-benefits between Climate Change and Air Pollution policies monitoring is becoming more important: - new role of governance - role of public and media - implementing policies - credibility of assessments

Synergies of AP and CC: an example

ETC/ACC Work Plan 2001: Air Pollution Reports on Air Emission and Air Quality (to be merged in 2002) Core set of policy-relevant indicators Support data reporting and information access and help remove duplication Support CAFE Programme

ETC/ACC Work Plan 2001:Climate Change Core set of policy-relevant indicators Reports on Climate Change and GHG trends GHG inventory Comparison EU and MS GHG projections

ETC/ACC Work Plan 2001:common Contributions to EEA main reports (2004 Outlook report, Environmental Signals/Kiev, TERM, EER) Support EIONET organisation (workshops, country visits, ETC web site)

Main Priorities for EEA and its ETC/ACC for the next 2-3 years Interactive voting session

Streamlining international data collection EEA/ETC should further streamline international data collection, building on EIONET (both organisational and telematics) although it is a long process. EEA/ETC should focus on further exchange of data with Eurostat, EMEP and FCCC. EEA/ETC should consolidate current inventory work as the basis for a regular European system and start preparations of upcoming reporting requirements (focusing on the Kyoto Protocol, the EPER and the NECD).

Support to member countries (1) Current software tools ( CollectER, ReportER and COPERT III) should be further developed by EEA/ETC in co-operation with the European Commission (DG Environment) and UNECE/EMEP. EEA/ETC should provide additional support to the new Accession Countries (eg, organising training sessions, country visits) and less support to the existing EEA18 countries.

Support to member countries (2) EEA/ETC should support member countries on compilation and reporting of emission projections, as most countries are not reporting on this issue. CIAM projection estimates could be used as starting point.

Review and Verification EEA/ETC should perform reviews of national inventories, before these are officially submitted, in order to increase quality of national emission data. These reviews should have an added value in comparison with FCCC and EMEP reviews. EEA/ETC should co-operate with EMEP and JRC in the comparison of the air emission inventories with the (measured) air quality data, through air quality models.

Use of air emissions data National emission inventory data should be more disseminated at both national and European (EEA) level (data warehouse, web site). The EEA/ETC should produce more reports on progress of environmental policies at EU and national level on progress towards targets and explain the policy successes and failures (in the main EEA assessment reports and in other EEA reports). National emissions data should be used more for support to EU policy frameworks (ECCP and CAFE). Collaboration with integrated assessment modellers should be enhanced.