Topic Of Presentation Group Members You may also want to add some images to this slide.
Topic Research Question Your Argument/Position (This is what our evidence suggests & what we plan to prove.)
Key Terms Choose a few terms that would be important for your audience to fully understand your presentation. No more than 5. This slide can also be put BEFORE the research question and position slide--if you feel your audience needs this background information so that they can fully understand your argument/position.
Background of Issue Maximum of 5 concise bullet points. You may include images as well. This slide can be extended to 2 slides if needed (text and images). This slide can also be put BEFORE the research question and position slide--if you feel your audience needs this background information so that they can fully understand your argument/position.
Outline of Presentation List the 3 claims you will discuss in your presentation.
Claim #1 Short bullet points from research. Include parenthetical citation. Include an image. Commentary/Analysis is what you talk about in your presentation.
Claim #2 Short bullet points from research. Include parenthetical citation. Include an image. Commentary/Analysis is what you talk about in your presentation.
Counterclaim State opposing position (of particular claim or of overall argument). Provide bulleted list of evidence from research that refutes it. Analysis/Commentary is what you talk about in your presentation. This slide can also be added between Claim slides if the following claims will refute the counterclaim.
Next Steps Bulleted list with call to action, analysis of benefits or consequences. In other words, why should we care? Think about your audience here. Include image
Bibiliography List sources used in presentation in proper MLA format.