Find a seat and wait quietly for class to start Welcome Find a seat and wait quietly for class to start
My Name is… Mrs. Laing
A little about me… I grew up in TX I graduated from SRMHS I went to college at NC STATE – Go Pack! I majored in Technology, Engineering, and Design Education I have been married for almost 4 years This is my 2nd year teaching I like to have fun while we learn!
Teaching = Knowledge Doing = Understanding Teaching Philosophy Teaching = Knowledge Doing = Understanding
Required Supplies Engineering Notebook!!!!!!!!! Composition book with ¼ inch grid. You can NOT pass this class without your engineering notebook! Something to write with! I recommend different colors! (Color Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, etc) Headphones Flash-drive Recommended - Lock (Especially for DE)
Class Procedures Attendance, Sign in when you enter or during warm-up Get your notebook off of the shelf and go to your seat. Warm up, check the board/website and get started. We will review your warm up answers together. I will give a short lesson and/or explain your class work You will work at a positive pace, whatever you do not finish in class becomes HOMEWORK, so work smart.
Start On Time Students must be INSIDE the classroom PRIOR to class time Once you have entered the classroom you may not leave for the 1st 10 Mins You will not be allowed out of the classroom for the last 10 mins of class.
If you are TARDY Sign in, Place your SOT pass in the Attendance Notebook and Quietly join in the classroom activities. If you do not have a SOT pass when you come to class, I will complete one for you and put your name in the computer.
Grading Scale 100 – 93 = A 92 – 85 = B 84 – 77 = C Under 77 = NTY (Not there yet) Students receiving a NTY will have 3 weeks from the due date of the assignment to go through the (Reteach, Relearn, Redo) procedure to improve their grades
Turning in assignments Please turn in all assignments to your class tray Make sure the you place your assignment into the tray marked for your class period! Late assignments: I will take 8 points off for each day it is late.
Quizzes Each Friday you will go directly to Quia and complete your quiz. You MUST get a 100% to move on. Quiz retake policy: Write down each of the questions that were incorrect. Use the Unit PowerPoints, Vocabulary and your Worksheets to find and write down the correct answers in your engineering notebook. Have your Accountability Partner sign your corrections Retake your Quiz (Minus 5 points per retake)
Unit Exams At the end of each unit you will go to Quia and complete your Exam. Exam retake policy: Write down each of the questions that were incorrect. Use the Unit PowerPoints, Vocabulary and your Worksheets to find and write down the correct answers in your engineering notebook. Have your A.P. & your TEACHER sign your corrections Schedule time to Retake your Exam You will get 1 retake (Higher Grade Counts)
Lanschool – Remember I am watching you!!! Computer Don’ts NO GAMES NO Music VIDEOS – (YouTube, Etc) NO MUSIC during warm-ups / lessons NO DOWNLOADING Do not change the setup on the computers Lanschool – Remember I am watching you!!!
Headphones Bring your own headphones. Some warm ups and lessons will require you to watch videos and voice threads You may listen to music while you work ONLY if you have headphones. Playing music out loud will result in loss of music for one class period. Must have a “Free Listening Contract” on file
Cellphones / Electronics May not be visible in the classroom May not be sitting on the desk May not listen to music via your cellphone / electronics May not charge your phone in class Infractions (examples) If your phone is out If your phone rings or vibrates If you are caught texting 1st Time – Warning 2nd Time – Will take it, put it in my desk, you get it back after 2:30 3rd Time - Your phone will be taken, put in an envelope, and turned into the office. Your Parent/Guardian must come to the school to sign for it.
Rules for Printing Get teachers permission BEFORE you print Select the right printer RM 401 = Black & White Place scraps in Recycle Bin
OFF LIMITS Do not enter the supply room with out teacher permission. Do not mess with anything on the shelving in the back unless I designate a space for project storage. Do not go in my desk with out permission.
Bathroom Breaks You MUST fill out your pass and get my signature You will get three passes each interim period
Fire Drills Line up quietly at the door Remember the “emergency kit” (behind the door) We will go as a class