Mrs. Morse's Monday Minute Social Studies Holiday Party We will beginning to learn about the first few European Explorers to come to North and South America this week. There will not be any Daily Social Studies. Math- We will continue to work with fractions this week. We will also learn about converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Our Holiday Party will be this Friday from 1:45-2:45. Parents, you are welcome to attend. If you would like to take your child home at the end of the party, that will be fine too. Some students volunteered to bring in items for the party. They were given a separate note to bring home today. Reading We will be finishing up the story, Jane Goodall’s 10 Ways to Help Wildlife. Students should also try and earn some RC points this week. We will also be working on more opinion writing. Santa Shop will be tomorrow at 12:05. Every item costs
I have seen ______'s work Math Spelling Week 13 Consonant Sounds /j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/ 1. excuse 2. scene 3. muscle 4. explore 5. pledge 6. journal 7. science 8. schedule 9. gigantic 10. scheme 11. Japan 12. excellent 13. exclaim 14. fascinate 15. ginger 16. scholar 17. scent 18. dodge 19. smudge 20. schooner 21. extraordinary 22. reminisce 23. acknowledge 24. prejudice 25. allergic Rocket Math-student are making great progress in Rocket Math. The goal for 5th graders is to be through with multiplication before the end of the second marking period. The reason for this is that 5th grade math gets much harder as the year progresses. Student who know their math facts without having to think about them have a big advantage. Please practice math facts for a few minutes each night (or in the car, or at the dinner table). I have seen ______'s work Signed _________________________________ Please detach and return to school tomorrow.