Programme adoptions Cohesion Policy: 311 OPs for Investment for Growth and Jobs objective 76 European Territorial Cooperation programmes REGIO Chef de File: 205 OPs (81 include ESF) + 76 ETC EMPL Chef de File: 106 (11 OPs include ERDF)
Programme adoption as of April 2015, REGIO Type of programme No of programmes expected No of programmes adopted % adopted Investment for Growth and Jobs 205 165 80.5 European Territorial Cooperation 76 24 32
Situation by Member State, cohesion policy (incl ESF) All OPs adopted for 20 MS: AT, BE, HR, CY, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, EL, IE, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SI Open discussions with 8 Member States: BG, RO, CZ, ES, IT, UK, HU, SE