Thank you for not chewing gum or anything else Agenda: Bell work TURN IN HGD PERMISSION Bill Nye – Volcanoes Finish Volcano Model 1/10/17 Materials: Pencil Notebook/Folder Volcano Pieces Scissors Glue Daily Objective: Today we will put together the parts of a volcano Daily Question: How are volcanoes classified?
Vocab volcano: an opening in the earth from which magma and gas erupt 3 classifications of volcanoes: Active volcano- one that is currently erupting or showing signs of erupting in the near future. Dormant volcano- one that has not erupted for at least 10,000 years, but may erupt in the future. Extinct volcano- one that is not expected to erupt ever again.
Bill Nye Volcanoes Due THURSDAY! Power Paragraph - Volcanoes 4 In addition to a 3, your examples are real places and you explain the significance of these places and why these volcanoes might effect humans. 3 Your topic sentence says what a volcano is Your yellow(reason, detail, fact) sentences explain each TYPE of volcano ( shield, composite, cinder cone) Your pink (explanation/example) sentences explain each type of volcano further and give an example of a real volcano You formally conclude what you know about volcanoes Don’t forget transitions. 2 Some of the above information is missing/incomplete/incorrect 1 Most of the above information is missing/incomplete/incorrect
Volcano Model
Vocabulary 3 Types of Volcanoes: Shield Volcano: Release fast moving, less gassy magma and tend to have less explosive eruptions. (ex: Hawaii) Cinder Cones: the smallest and most common type of volcano - formed from explosive eruptions that shoot magma and ash into the air. Sometimes form on the sides of larger volcanoes. (ex: Mt Etna) Composite (stratovolcano) volcano: have very explosive eruptions as a result of very gassy magma. (Ex: Mt St Helens)