Chapter 19 – INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION & THE RISE OF NATIONALISM Before the Industrial Revolution Physical effects of the Revolution Social effects of the Revolution New Ways of Thinking
I. Before the industrial revolution What was life like before the Industrial Revolution? Before the Industrial Revolution, most Europeans worked & lived on small farming villages using inefficient methods of farming
I. Before the industrial revolution Because there wasn’t an ability to produce food in mass quantities, global population stayed about even. about 90% of people worked as farmers before the industrial revolution (around the world)!
I. Before the industrial revolution In the mid-1700s new farm techniques led to an Agricultural Revolution in Europe Scientific farming methods like crop rotation maximized farmland & increased production Invented by Jethro Tull. New tools like the iron plow & seed drill made farming more efficient
I. Before the industrial revolution TO OVER 30 MILLION IN 1910 @ 7 MILLION IN 1750
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution Innovation and a need to satisfy the growing number of people fueled the industrial revolution As food increased, population increased. As population increased, a need for more stuff increased As production surpassed workers, innovation became necessary As a need for ‘stuff’ increased, a need for factories to create this ‘stuff’ increased. As cities increased, a need for workers increased. As factories increased, cites increased
Why did this revolution begin in England? Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution Why did this revolution begin in England? England had large deposits of natural resources, especially iron & coal England had banks, a government that encouraged trade & invention, & money to invest in industry
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution From 1750 to 1850, England was the most industrialized nation in the world with resources like coal and iron, England totally changed in a 100 year period
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution By 1800, England made more iron than all other nations in the world combined
TEXTILES (CLOTHING SHOPS) What was the first industry to industrialize? TEXTILES (CLOTHING SHOPS)
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution The population boom created a demand for clothing but traditional methods of textile making were slow As a result, the textile industry became the first to become industrialized
Factory owners made huge profits selling mass-produced clothes Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution Power-driven machines were able to mass-produce goods very fast & cheap Factory owners made huge profits selling mass-produced clothes
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution The more products factories were making, the more money they made. The more money they made the more they exploited workers. Child labor became extremely popular for factory owners to maximize profits They worked 12-16 hour days. Miners died very young due to extremely poor working conditions.
New social classes emerged from this revolution Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution New social classes emerged from this revolution New middle class – owned and operated mines and factories Working class – worked very hard for little pay Working class lived in slums called tenements – big buildings divided into apartments.
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin stimulated a demand for cotton textiles European demand for cotton led to a boom in cotton production and an increase in slavery in the southern United States
Ii. Physical effects of the industrial revolution As cotton consumption went up, cotton production increased. As production increased, slavery increased!