Bell Ringer Vocabulary activity: In your notes define the following term: Extortion Robbery Burglary
Crimes Against Property Embezzlement Unlawful taking of property by someone to whom it has been entrusted.
Crimes Against Property Robbery Unlawful taking of property from a persons immediate possession by force or intimidation (Difference between the two- Use of force) Larceny Taking and carrying away property of another with intent to permanently deprive the owner of it Includes keeping found property when a reasonable method exists to return it or keeping property delivered to you by mistake (finders keepers ?)
Crimes Against Property Extortion (Blackmail) Use of threats to obtain property from another Burglary Unauthorized entry into any structure with the intent to commit a crime Harsher punishments if committed at night, with a weapon, or inhabited dwellings
Crimes Against Property (8:00)
Crimes Against Property Forgery falsely makes or alters a writing or documents with intent to defraud
Crimes Against Property Receiving stolen property Receiving or buying property that you know or have reason to believe is stolen Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle The taking of a motor vehicle without the owners consent Includes “joy riding”
Crimes Against Property
Crimes Against Property Car Jacking Use of force or intimidation to steal a motor vehicle from its driver Federal crime punishable by up to life in prison