Optical Properties of Molecule-Based Magnets J.L. Musfeldt, University of Tennessee ACS PRF 38164-AC5 The relationship between applied magnetic field, local structure, orbital overlap, and magnetic exchange is investigated for the Ni4Mo12 molecular magnet. Discovery of field-induced structural modification in Ni4Mo12 molecular magnet material; field-induced change in localized H2O wagging mode on the O attached to Ni sites is particularly evident. Consistent with our previous magneto-optics work indicating a small change in the Ni2+ crystal field environment at 30 T. Broad, interdisciplinary training of students in materials spectroscopy Close interaction and collaboration with materials design and theory groups Experiments at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory High schoolers, undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers have been involved in these projects. Schanck et al., Phys. Rev. B. 73, 094401 (2006).