CTE COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2015 Business Department 2015
What does it mean to our students? The Career and Technical Education endorsement is New York State recognition of successful completion of career-based courses. The student’s diploma will contain a technical endorsement and be considered a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
Why CTE? Within our business department this is the 3rd CTE that we have created and implemented since 2008. It takes approximately 1.5 to 2 years to complete a CTE and get state approval. The case is this: in order for students to succeed, we need to prepare them for the ever-changing world of work, which means not only college readiness, but career readiness—students with access to postsecondary education and skills attainment possibilities that will prepare them to achieve in the 21st century. CTE offers a unique opportunity to engage students in an enormous variety of subjects, incorporating academic, creative and technical skills, with the specific goal, nowhere else represented in education, of preparing students for all of life that comes after high school. -Washington State CTE
CTE in Accounting Accounting (1 unit) can count as a 3rd unit of Math ACCOUNTING CTE (Walt Zeznick) A student can receive a CTE (Career and Technical Education) endorsement in Accounting on his/her diploma by taking and passing the following business courses: Keyboarding ½ unit Career Planning ½ unit Financial Management ½ unit B.E.E.P. (Business Education Employability Portfolio) ½ unit Accounting I and II 1 unit Accounting (1 unit) can count as a 3rd unit of Math
CTE in MOUS MOUS CTE (Kim Dry) A student can receive a CTE (Career and Technical Education) endorsement in MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist) on his/her diploma by taking and passing the following business courses: Keyboarding ½ unit Career Planning ½ unit Financial Management ½ unit B.E.E.P. (Business Education Employability Portfolio) ½ unit MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist) 1 unit
What we have now… MOUS JCC 1560 Microcomputer applications. 4 college credits JCC ACCOUNTING 3 college credits COLLEGE SUCCESS SKILLS/BEEP ECC College Portfolio COMPUTER GRAPHICS JCC 1730
The classes below are NYS MANDATED for this CTE Computer Graphic CTE Endorsement A student can receive a CTE (Career and Technical Education) endorsement in Computer Graphics on his/her diploma by taking and passing the following business courses: Keyboarding ½ unit Career Planning ½ unit Financial Management ½ unit B.E.E.P. (Business Education Employability Portfolio) ½ unit Computer Graphics 1 unit Computer Graphics II 1 unit
What Is in the booklet CTE Description Curriculum Maps for all courses involved Teacher credentials including certification and diplomas Adobe certification curriculum Computer graphics JCCART1730 Syllabus and Curriculum BEEP ECC Syllabus and Curriculum JCC College Connections 5 year agreement Job Shadowing Criteria and guidelines Computer Graphics CTE Brochure
Students must take and pass 1 Adobe Certification Test Benefits to Student Industry standard credentials by obtaining at least 1 Adobe Certification (Certified Associate certification) Students must take and pass 1 Adobe Certification Test Students can take and pass as many certification tests as they would like such as: Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Illustrator Adobe Dreamweaver
Potential 6 SUNY Credits More Benefits Potential 6 SUNY Credits 3 SUNY Credits from Computer Graphics JCC 1730 3 SUNY Credits from BEEP ECC Portfolio Class **Students may now use the CTE endorsement to bypass one of the Regents
More Benefits ACA certification is an industry-recognized credential that can be used to effectively validate one’s skills in Adobe digital-media software. It represents the creative skills in demand today by industry and academia and reflects well when presented on a resume or college application.
Create and articulation agreement with area College The Process Create and articulation agreement with area College Created a 5-year agreement articulation agreement with JCC for the JCC 1730 course
The Process Create and articulation agreement with area College Created a 5-year agreement articulation agreement with JCC for the JCC 1730 course This course is taught the 1st half of the computer graphics course. The send half students work on certifications and other projects.
Create an advisory board The Process Create an advisory board Created and implemented an advisory board and presented potential CTE to the board in April
The Process Advisory Board provides suggestions to the CTE program. These included: To better prepare students for real world projects, purchase a Vinyl Cutter through Vatea Grant Money Involve students in the output of graphics design by bringing students to Schubert enterprises to see back end printing process in the marketing advertising arena. Have student create graphics Logo in class and be apart of the final print out put at Schubert Enterprises. Professionals offered to come in to speak in detail about the graphics design career and all of its potential directions.
Next Steps Present to the Board and Superintendent for final approval. Send to the state for approval and implementation for Fall of 2015.