CPSC 203 Hoi Le Let’s get started!
Contact Hoi Le Email: leh@ucalgary.ca Office phone no. : (403) 210 – 9487 4/6/2019
Drinks and food are not allowed in the lab Must use your own account to log onto computers Save your data before logout! Must present on the quiz days 4/6/2019
Lab resources Webpage for CPSC 203 lab material Lab manual: http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~kawash/peeking.html My webpage: http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~leh/ Blackboard (http://blackboard.ucalgary.ca): To submit your quizzes and assignments Other course information Any resources that you find useful: Google, textbook, ... 4/6/2019
Quizzes and Assignments There are 2 quizzes and 3 assignments First assignment (on spreadsheet) is already released (check on BB!) Assignments are group projects Groups of 2 members Register your group at the end of today’s lab, via emails or at most on Friday (Jan. 21st , 2011). 4/6/2019
Basics of Spreadsheet The interface 4/6/2019
Exercise 1: auto complete and formatting 4/6/2019
Complete all days in a week Format 2,4 to currency type Decrease the decimal places of those numbers Format “17-Aug” to “August 17, 2010” 4/6/2019
Basic calculations Sum: with constants, addresses Average Min Max Relative address: A1B3 Absolute address: $A$1$B$3 Mixture of relative & absolute: $A1$B3, $A$1B3, A$1B$3, etc. Average Min Max Median Standard deviation 4/6/2019