CH3I VMI-REMPI data and analysis: Content pages: Plan-table and fig.………………………………………………………………………… 2-3 Figs. From Pavle:………………………………………………………………………… 4-9 CH3+, KERs, images and threshold predictions:………………………….. 10-25, 66-67,69-70 CH2+, KERs, and threshold predictions:………………………….. 26-28 I+, KERs, and threshold predictions:……………………………… 29-36,71-73 e- PES´s, and threshold predictions…….......................……. 37-55 Conclusive remarks:……………………………………………………………………….. 56 From the literature(energetics of CH3)…………………………………………. 57-60 Energetics:…………………………………………………………………………………… 61-65,68 Exp. recordings etc.; reality………………………………………………………… 74-75 Energetics and excitation channels vs. #.......................................... 76-142 MR-REMPI spectra………………………………………………………………………… 143-145 CH3I Rydberg states recorded………………………………………………………. 146-152 #0, PES vs pix-factor……………………………………………………………………… 153 Updated: 190223
VMI-REMPI experimental plan: CH3I: no. 2hv/ eV 2hv/cm-1 1hv/cm-1 l / nm(1hv) Rydberg state converging to ref: Comment Predicted / 6.777 54660.17 27330.08540 365.897136 6s(0,..) 2E1/2 Table 4* 1 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ Table 5* Not accessable by MOPO; use dye laser 2 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 Try use MOPO 3 7.36 59362.38 29681.19062 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 Table 6 * 4a 4b 7.381 59531.76 29765.8788 (?) Unassigned peak, relatively strong (?) 4c 5 7.402 59701.13 29850.56698 335.0020121 6p(3/2) +nv6 6 7.642 61636.86 30818.43189 324.4811428 6p(3/2) +nv1 7 7.82 63072.53 31536.26504 317.0952549 5d(0,…) # 8 7.996 64492.07 32246.03264 310.1156695 6p(0,…) # 9 8.022 64701.77 32350.88467 309.1105576 7s(0,…) # 10 8.299 66935.92 33467.96209 298.7932152 7s(3/2) +nv2 Table 6* 11 8.429 67984.44 33992.22225 294.184944 7p(0,…) # (Try use MOPO); used exc./dye 12 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 i.e. 6 fundamental (0,…) bands (#); 5 vibrational bands; 1 uncertain band(?) / three bands for convergence to 2E1/2 ($) *ref: ; ; sheet: Ry spectra
(4) (2) (12) (6) (5) (11) (10) (0) (7) (3) (8) (9) (1)
CH3+ KERs… and predictions I+ KERs……… and predictions Figs from Pavle: CH3+ KERs… and predictions I+ KERs……… and predictions PES´s………… and predictions See :
KER for CH3+ from Pavle; Fig. from OriginPro 8.5 eV 170919 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 from Pavle; Fig. from OriginPro 8.5 eV
26-09-2017, CH3I at 286.600 nm, CH3
20-09-2017, CH3I at 358.835 nm, I fragments, irises low
NB: thresholds obtained for D(CH3-I)=2.476 eV (PC; CRC) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 Ideas from Pavle; Fig. from OriginPro 8.5 Also in: ; sheet: Predictions NB: thresholds obtained for D(CH3-I)=2.476 eV (PC; CRC) eV
20-09-2017, CH3I at 358.835 nm, photoelectrons From PC..…CH3I results.ppt in 20170920
CH3+ KERs, images and threshold predictions:
eV CH3+ KERs, Off resonance resonance resonance 170928 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ Off resonance (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170920 resonance resonance eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay18,Gr19 ; sheets: Ry spectra
eV CH3+ KERs, For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 MOPO 170919 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170929 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 exc./dye eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay19,Gr20 ; sheets: Ry spectra
eV CH3+ KERs, For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171019; (4a); 336.357(exp.) less space charge effect eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay31,Gr34 ; sheets: Ry spectra
eV CH3+ KERs, Abel converted; file: „abel_speed“ 170925 (11) 8.429 67984.44 33992.22225 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 Abel converted; file: „abel_speed“ NOT Abel converted; file: „x_speed“ 171020 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay12,Gr13 ; sheets: Ry spectra
eV CH3+ Prediction calc: polarizer not IN Possibly: (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ polarizer not IN Prediction calc: Possibly: CH3I + 1hvpd -> CH3I* CH3I* -> CH3#( I; CH3#( 3hvi -> CH3+ + e- i.e. (1pd + 3i) REMPI CH3#( vibrationally excited NB: thresholds obtained for D(CH3-I)=2.38 eV (AK) Threshold for CH3I + 1hvpd -> CH3I* CH3I* -> CH3 (0,0,..+ I* CH3 (0,..) + 3hvi -> CH3+ + e- i.e. (1pd + 3i) REMPI 0.897144 eV Threshold for CH3I + 1hvpd -> CH3I* CH3I* -> CH3 (0,0,..+ I CH3 (0,..) + 3hvi -> CH3+ + e- i.e. (1pd + 3i) REMPI 1.74001eV Subscript notations: pd = photodissociation i= ionization DE = 0.33 eV / 2662 cm-1(?) eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay7,Gr7 ; sheet: Predictions
eV CH3+ KERs, updated: 170926 Off resonance see also slide 6 286.6 (exp.) 170922; (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ 286.5855(exp.) see also slide 6 above (PG) for predictions eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay13,Gr15 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV CH3+ KERs, Thresholds: i=2(3p2A2) i=1(3s2A1´ CH3**(i) + I* 170920 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 CH3**(i) + I* NB: thresholds obtained for D(CH3-I)=2.476 eV (PC;CRC) CH3**(i) + I i=2(3p2A2) i=4(3d2A1´) i=3(3d2E) i=1(3s2A1´ CH3**(i) + I* i=1(3s2A1´ i=2(3p2A2) CH3**(i) + I i=1(3s2A1´ eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay2,Gr3 ; sheets: Ry spectra & Predictions
eV CH3+ KERs, Thresholds: i=2(3p2A2) i=1(3s2A1´ CH3**(i) + I* 170920 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 CH3**(i) + I* NB: thresholds obtained for D(CH3-I)=2.38 eV (AK) CH3**(i) + I i=2(3p2A2) i=4(3d2A1´) i=3(3d2E) i=1(3s2A1´ CH3**(i) + I* i=1(3s2A1´ i=2(3p2A2) CH3**(i) + I i=1(3s2A1´ eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay2,Gr3 ; sheets: Ry spectra & Predictions
NB: The polarizer was not inserted in CH3+ images: Ry(2), 170919(170920); 339.467 nm(exp.) <= x1_10fl (RAW file) Ry(12), 170921; 286.5885 nm(exp.) <= x1_5fl (RAW file) Ry(1), 170920; 358.835 nm(exp.) <= x1_5fl (RAW file) NB: The polarizer was not inserted in the 170921 exp., hence, the angul. distrib. is invalid Rings might be because of 1hvpd channel(?)i.e.:
eV CH3+ KERs, : Virtually no difference 170920 (1) 359.062394 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 NO polarizer in 170921; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ eV Virtually no difference ;Lay6,Gr8 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1),(2) and 170921 (12) For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 170922 (12) and (11), (3),(4a),4b,4c,7,8 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV CH3+ KERs, : Virtually no difference 170920 (1) 359.062394 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 171011; (9c); 310.1525(exp.) 171020 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ eV Virtually no difference ;Lay6,Gr8 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1),(2) and 170921 (12) For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 170922 (12) and (11), (3),(4a),4b,4c,7,8,6,9c ; sheet: Ry spectra
CH3+ KERs Comparison of shifted spectra: D(1hv) comparison Likely channels………………………. 22 D(3hv) comparison
D1hv / eV CH3+ KERs, Common thresholds for CH3I+1hv -> CH3 (X,v1v2v3v4)+I/I*: NO FITS! 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ Virtually no difference D1hv / eV ;Lay26,Gr26 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1),(2) and 170921 (12) For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 170922 (12) and (11), (3),(4a),4b,4c ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
D1hv / eV Common thresholds for CH3+ KERs, CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3I+(3/2); I* CH3I+(1/2); I* CH3I+(3/2); I CH3I+(1/2); I interpretation Likely 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ Virtually no difference D1hv / eV ;Lay28,Gr28 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1),(2) and 170921 (12) For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 170922 (12) and (11), (3),(4a),4b,4c,7 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
D3hv / eV CH3+ KERs, Common thresholds for CH3I+3hv -> CH3 **(Ry,0000)+I/I* and CH3+ + I-: CH3 **(3p2A2) CH3 **(3p2A2) CH3+ + I- 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 11 171002 9c : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 8 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 7 6 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) Could be vibrational structure In the CH3**(3p2A2) + I Channel (?); however peaks do not match and PES spectra suggest that CH3** formation is not important. See slide 43 & KM work 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 171011; (9c); 310.1525(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ Virtually no difference D3hv / eV ;Lay27,Gr27 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1),(2) and 170921 (12) For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 170922 (12) and (11), (3),(4a),4b,4c ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
CH2+ KERs:
eV CH2+ KERs, For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ eV ;Lay3,Gr4 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV CH2+ KERs, Z: Space charge NO Space charge Z: See PG PPT file on 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 171019 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ See PG PPT file on Images and KERs the KERs don´t seem to agree(?) 170929 (2) 339.444(exp.) 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171013 (2) 339.467(exp.) 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 eV (1): For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 & 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 (2):For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay3,Gr4 ; sheet: Ry spectra
I+ KERS and threshold predictions:
eV iris low I+ KERs, iris open Very high energy I+: (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ iris low Very high energy I+: Prediction calc. for CH3 + I/I* formation after 2hv, 3hv and 4hv could not predict these! See: ; sheet: Predictions eV ;Lay4,Gr5 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV iris low I+ KERs, updated: 170929 Off resonance iris open (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170928 170920 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ iris low iris open eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay16,Gr17 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV I+ KERs, updated: 170926 Off resonance 286.6 (exp.) 170922; (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ Off resonance 286.5855(exp.) eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay14,Gr14 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV I+ KERs, identical For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 171010; (9c); 309.759(exp.) 171010; (9); 309.11(exp.) identical eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay30,Gr30 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV I+ KERs, Looks like I resonance(?) ? 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170919 I* ->-> I** OK; iodine resonance; see slide 71 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 171010; (9); 309.11(exp.) 171020; (10); 298.788(exp.) eV 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ ;Lay9,Gr10 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra
I+ KERs Comparison of shifted spectra: D(3hv) comparison
D3hv / eV I+ KERs Comparison on a D3hv scale: Joined thresholds for : CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; for the lowest energy I** 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170919 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 : 171002 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D3hv / eV ;Lay25,Gr25 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
PES´s and Threshold predictions:
eV PES, CH3**+ 1hv -> CH3+ CH3(X) + 3hv -> CH3+(X(1/2)) 170920 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ CH3**(3p2A2)+ 1hv -> CH3+ CH3I(X) + 3hv -> CH3I+ I(1/2)+ 3hv -> I+ CH3**(3s2A1´)+ 2hv -> CH3+ eV ;Lay11,Gr12 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Predictions
eV PES, Off resonance For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 170928 (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ Off resonance (1) 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170920 eV ;Lay17,Gr18 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV PES, (2) Abs. CH3I + 2hvr -> CH3I**(6p(0..),2E3/2) CH3I**(6p(0..),2E3/2) + hvpd -> CH3I# CH3I# -> CH3**((2);3p 2A2) + I/I* CH3**((2);3p 2A2) + hvi -> CH3+ + e- i.e. (2r + 1pd + 1i) REMPI NB: Threshold obtained for D(CH3-I) = 2.38 eV (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 eV For E(e-,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay0,Gr1 ; sheet: „Ry spectra“ & „Predictions“
eV PES, (2) Abs. For E(e-,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 MOPO (2) 7.306 170919 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170929 (2) 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 exc./dye eV For E(e-,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ;Lay20,Gr21 ; sheet: „Ry spectra“
eV PES, CH3**(3s2A1´) + 1hv -> CH3+ CH3**(3p2A2) + 1hv -> CH3+ I(3/2)+ 3hv -> I+ 170922; (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ Does not seem to fit any peaks Suggests that CH3** formation is not Important. See also slide 40 below. eV ;Lay10,Gr11 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Predictions
eV PES, updated: 170926 Off resonance For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 170922; (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ 286.5855(exp.) eV ;Lay15,Gr16 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV PES, : Look the same 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 : 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357 (?) 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) Incorrect, see:, slide 27 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) (??) Look the same 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 171020; (10); 298.788(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ eV ;Lay5,Gr6 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 for all except: For E(M+,eV) = 3.104e-5 x (pix)2 for (6), (10),(0) ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV PES, 171011; (9b); 309.11(exp.) 171011; (9a); 309.11(exp.) 171010; (9c); 309.759(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) eV For E(e,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 for (8): ;Lay29,Gr29 For E(e,eV) = 3.187e-5 x (pix)2 for (9,9a,9b,9c) ; sheet: Ry spectra
eV PES, Thresholds: 1hv for: For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 CH3I(Ry(2)) + 1hv -> CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+e CH3I(Ry(1)) + 1hv -> CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+e (11): 2,5 & 3.1 eV (no fit) (12): 2.8 & 3.4 eV (no fit) -which equals that for 3hv excitation via The Rydb. States to for CH3I+(3/2) and CH3I+(1/2) 170920 1 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170929 2 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170925 (11) 8.429 67984.44 33992.22225 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ eV ;Lay21,Gr22 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
Comparison of shifted PES´s D(1hv) comparison D(3hv) comparison Discussion
Good matching of peaks => 1hv ionization processes PES, (on a D1hv scale) No good fits of thresholds: Ionization of CH3** not important Thresholds: 1hv Processes for CH3**(i;0..) + hv -> CH3+ + e i= 1-6 170920 1 6.906 55700.63 27850.31283 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 2 7.306 58926.84 29463.42102 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170929 171002 (3) 7.36 59362.38 29681.19062 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 170925 (11) 8.429 67984.44 33992.22225 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 12 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ 170922 Good matching of peaks => 1hv ionization processes are largely involved D1hv / eV ;Lay24,Gr24 For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
The various thresholds above are: No good fits of thresholds: Ionization of CH3** not important Let´s consider if the 1hv excitation channels are consistent with I** + 1hv -> I+ + e; I**: Rydberg states of iodine atoms NB: I+ ion signals are strong according to mass spectra. ; sheet: Predictions-short
D1hv / eV PES, (on a D1hv scale) Thresholds for I** + hv -> I+ + e: 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 D1hv / eV ;Lay24,Gr24 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D1hv / eV PES, (on a D1hv scale) Thresholds for I** + hv -> I+ + e: 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170919 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 : 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D1hv / eV For E(e,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 Except: For E(e,eV) = 3.154e-5 x (pix)2 for (8) and (6) E(e,eV) = 3.104e-5 x (pix)2 for (0) ;Lay24,Gr24 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D1hv / eV Thresholds for PES, (on a D1hv scale) I** + hv -> I+ + e: I**(5s25p4(3P1)6s; J=3/2) + hv -> I+ + e I**(5s25p4(3P2)6s; J =5/2 ) +hv-> I+ +e I**(5s25p4(3P2)6s; J =3/2 ) +hv-> I+ +e 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D1hv / eV For E(M+,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 Except: For E(M+,eV) = 3.154e-5 x (pix)2 for (8) and (6) ;Lay24,Gr24 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D3hv / eV PES, (on a D3hv scale) : I+ <- I(3/2) I+ <- I(1/2): CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) <- CH3I(X;0,..) I+ <- I(3/2) CH3I+(3/2;0..) <- CH3I(X;0..) CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,0,0) <- CH3I(X;0,..) CH3I+(3/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) <- CH3I(X;,0,…) I+ <- I(1/2): CH3+ <- CH3(X) 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 : 171003; (4a) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D3hv / eV ;Lay22,Gr23 For E(e,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 Except E(e,eV) = 3.104e-5 x (pix)2 for (0) ; sheet: Ry spectra
D3hv / eV PES, (on a D3hv scale) 3hv processes : CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) <- CH3I(X;0,..) CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,0,0) <- CH3I(X;0,..) CH3I+(3/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) <- CH3I(X;,0,…) CH3I+(3/2;0..) <- CH3I(X;0..) I+ <- I(3/2) I+ <- I(1/2) CH3+ <- CH3(X) 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 : 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D3hv / eV ;Lay22,Gr23 For E(e,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 Except E(e,eV) = 3.104e-5 x (pix)2 for (0) ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D(3hv) comparison / The various thresholds above are: 3.138 2.526735698 3.46938419 3.438 3.264546042 2.818 2.644546042 CH3+ formation from CH3(X): by 3hv: I+ formation from I(3/2): I+ formation from I(1/2): CH3I+(3/2;0,0,0,0,0,0) formation from CH3I(X;0,0,0,0,0,0) by 3hv: CH3I+(3/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) formation from CH3I(X;,0,0,0,0,0,0) by 3hv: CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,0,0) formation from CH3I(X;0,0,0,0,0,0) by 3hv: CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) formation from CH3I(X;0,0,0,0,0,0) by 3 hv: ; sheet: Predictions-short
https://notendur. hi. is/agust/rannsoknir/Crete17/XLS-170919 ; sheet: D(nhv) comp.
From the literature: CH3 energetics
X(CH3): Methyl Radical, CH3 Vibrational states of the ground To top X(CH3): Methyl Radical, CH3 Vibrational states of the ground electronic state
*3 *2 * CH3** *6 *5 *4 Methyl Radical, CH3 electronic state To top
http://webbook. nist. gov/cgi/cbook. cgi X(CH3+):
Energetics: CH3I photoexcitation
CH3**(i)+I*; i=1-6 CH3**(i)+I; i=1-6 no. 2hv/cm-1 Ry 1 55700.63 2 (n) = number of photons CH3**(i)+I; i=1-6 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 no. 2hv/cm-1 Ry 1 55700.63 2 58926.84 3 59362.38 4 59531.76 5 59701.13 6 61636.86 7 63072.53 8 64492.07 9 64701.77 10 66935.92 11 67984.44 12 69783.06 i= 6 : 1 Abs. spectrum i= 6 : 1 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 (4) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047 CH3 + I**(min); 73829.45 70000 (3) 55000 (2) CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 (1) CH3 + I; 19195.9874 CH3I ; Layo,Gr0; ; sheet: Energetics
Abs. spectrum (n) = number of photons CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 i= 6 : CH3**(i)+I*; i=1-6 CH3**(i)+I; i=1-6 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 i= 6 : 1 CH3+ + e + I; Abs. spectrum i= 6 : 1 (4) CH3 + I** CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047 70000 CH3 + I**(min); 73829.45 (3) 55000 (2) CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 (1) CH3 + I; 19195.9874 CH3I ; Layo,Gr0; ; sheet: Energetics
CH3I* -> CH3 (v1,v2,…) + I/I* CH3 (v1,v2,…) + 3hvi -> CH3+ + e- (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ i.e. CH3I + 1hvpd -> CH3I* CH3I* -> CH3 (v1,v2,…) + I/I* CH3 (v1,v2,…) + 3hvi -> CH3+ + e- i.e. (1pd + 3i) REMPI
CH3**(i)+I*; i=1-6 CH3**(i)+I; i=1-6 no. 2hv/cm-1 Ry 1 55700.63 2 (12) 8.652 69783.06 34891.53006 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ CH3**(i)+I*; i=1-6 (n) = number of photons CH3**(i)+I; i=1-6 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 no. 2hv/cm-1 Ry 1 55700.63 2 58926.84 3 59362.38 4 59531.76 5 59701.13 6 61636.86 7 63072.53 8 64492.07 9 64701.77 10 66935.92 11 67984.44 12 69783.06 i= 6 : 1 Abs. spectrum i= 6 : 1 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 (4) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047 CH3 + I**(min); 73829.45 70000 close to 69783 (3) 55000 (2) CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 (1) CH3 + I; 19195.9874 CH3I ; Layo,Gr0; ; sheet: Energetics
D3hv / eV CH3+ KERs, Common threshold for CH3+ + I- Partial interpretation Possible 12 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 11 171002 9c (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 8 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 7 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 6 4c 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 4b 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 4a 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 3 171011; (9c); 310.1525(exp.) 2 1 171020 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D3hv / eV From Kristjan: e-mail, 180619; 12:18 o´clock ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
E State transfer CH3I# CH3+ + I- Ion-pair formation CH3+ I- Ion-pair state CH3 + I/I* CH3I(X) r(CH3 - I)
no: 9 8 7 6 3hv Absorption spectra 2hv 1hv no: 9 8 7 6 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv(9) = 97052.65 cm-1 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# 3hv 3hv(6) = 92455.30 cm-1 CH3I+ v2 > 0 CH3 + I** CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 Absorption spectra 2hv 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 no: 9 8 7 6 CH3 + I; 19195.9874; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
D3hv / eV CH3+ KERs, Common thresholds for CH3I+3hv -> CH3 (X,0000)+I** I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2D5/2) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 : (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) 171004; (4c); 333.902(exp.) 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) 171011; (9c); 310.1525(exp.) 171020 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ D3hv / eV ;Lay32,Gr35 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1),(2) and 170921 (12) For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 170922 (12) and (11), (3),(4a),4b,4c,7,8,6,9c ; sheet: Predictions-short
no: 4b 4a 3 2 3hv Absorption spectra 2hv 1hv no: 4b 4a 3 2 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# 3hv CH3 + I** I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D5/2) Absorption spectra 2hv 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 no: 4b 4a 3 2; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
Now let´s check the I+ KER for 4a and 4c (see slide 34 above) : Idea: iodine atomic lines, i.e. …I/I* + 2hv -> I**; I** + 1hv -> I+ + e- ; sheet: I energies, NIST; see line 22 : E(I**)-E(I*) Calc. Exp. (4a) I+ KER peak is due to „accidental“ 2hv resonance Transition following I*(1/2) formation: ???? -> I*(1/2) I*(..5p; J = 1/2) + 2hv -> I**(…6p, J = 3/2); (2hv » 59459.16 cm-1; see above) I**(…6p, J = 3/2) + 1hv -> I+ + e- According to Kristján (KM) (e-mail: 26.6.18 and PPT: 20180626-CH3I-KM) the I* formation (i.e. ???? above) of concern corresponds to: CH3I + 2hv -> CH3I**(short lived) CH3I**(short lived) -> I* + CH3(X) ; sheet: Ry spectra
I+ KERs, Threshold for CH3I + 2hv -> CH3I**; CH3I** -> I* + CH3(X;0000); 0.429 eV; „accidental“ resonance detection: I*(..5p; J = 1/2) + 2hv -> I**(…6p, J = 3/2); I**(…6p, J = 3/2) + 1hv -> I+ + e- 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) eV ;Lay33,Gr32 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short, box= H90
3hv 2hvr Absorption spectra 2hvr 1hv 1hv no: 4a CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 2hvr I**(6p, J=3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D3/2) Absorption spectra CH3 + I** I**(6s,2D5/2) 2hvr 1hv 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 no: 4a; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
VMI-REMPI experiments; reality: CH3I: bb no. 2hv/ eV 2hv/cm-1 1hv/cm-1 3hv/cm-1 l / nm(1hv) l/nm(exp) Rydberg state converging to ref: Comment recorded: 6.777 54660.17088 27330.0854 81990.25632 365.897136 6s(0,..) 2E1/2 Table 4* 1 6.906 55700.62566 27850.3128 83550.93849 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 Table 5* Not accessable by MOPO; try dye laser 2 7.306 58926.84203 29463.421 88390.26305 339.4039 6p (0…) 2E3/2 Try use MOPO 170919(& 170920) 3 7.36 59362.38124 29681.1906 89043.57187 336.913708 6p(3/2) +v3 Table 6 * 4a 59460.6326 29730.3163 89190.9489 336.357 4b 59570.79244 29785.3962 89356.18866 335.735 4c(?) 29948.9072 89846.72149 333.902 ??; skip that one 4c(??) 29967.0363 89901.10878 333.7 7.381 59531.7576 29765.8788 89297.63641 Unassigned peak, relatively strong (?) 5 7.402 59701.13396 29850.567 89551.70095 335.002012 6p(3/2) +nv6 6 7.642 61636.86379 30818.4319 92455.29568 324.481143 6p(3/2) +nv1 7 7.82 63072.53007 31536.265 94608.79511 317.095255 5d(0,…) 8 7.996 64492.06528 32246.0326 96738.09791 310.115669 6p(0,…) 9 8.022 64701.76934 32350.8847 97052.65401 309.110558 7s(0,…) 10 8.299 66935.92418 33467.9621 100403.8863 298.793215 7s(3/2) +nv2 Table 6* 66937.09252 33468.5463 298.788 11 8.429 67984.4445 33992.2222 101976.6667 294.184944 7p(0,…) 12 8.652 69783.06013 34891.5301 104674.5902 286.602507 i.e. 6 fundamental (0,…) bands; 5 vibrational bands; 1 unertain band(?) *ref: ; sheet: Ry spectra
https://notendur. hi. is/agust/rannsoknir/Crete17/XLS-170919 ; sheet: Ry spectra
Energetics and excitation channels vs. #
See below: Major channels: ; Observations: CH3I## CH3 + I+ + e 4 CH3 + I+ + e CH3+ + I + e CH3+ + I CH3I# 2 1 e + CH3I+ 3 CH3 + I** CH3+ + I- CH3I**(Ry) 5 CH3I* CH3 + I/I* CH3I(X) See below:
No. of photons PES´s I+ KERs CH3+ KERs 1 #1,2,3,4a,4b, 6,7,8,11,12 - 2 Process no. No. of photons PES´s I+ KERs CH3+ KERs 1 =#4 (KM) I** formation CH3I+(2r+1pd)hv-> CH3I#-> CH3 + I** I** + 1hv -> I+ + e 3 1 / 4 #1,2,3,4a,4b, 6,7,8,11,12 - 2 =#1 (KM) CH3I+ formation/autoionization CH3I+(2r+1pd)hv-> CH3I#-> CH3I+ + e CH3I+ + 1hv -> CH3+ + I =#6 (KM) Ion-pair formation CH3I+(2r+1pd)hv-> CH3I#-> CH3+ + I- I- + 1hv -> I/I* + e 4 ? 4hv excitation CH3I+(2r+1pd)hv-> CH3I#; CH3I# + 1hv -> CH3I## -> CH3 + I/I* I/I*+ 3hv -> I+ + e 3 / 7 5 Rydberg predissociation CH3I+(2r)hv-> CH3I** - > CH3 + I/I* I* + 2rhv -> I**; I** + 1hv -> I+ + e 3 / 5 # : observed #: Uncertain and/or under investigation # : NOT observed Observations: Subscript „r“ = resonance Subscript „pd“ = photodissociation
# 0:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 0 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3 + I** I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2D5/2) Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 0; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
# 1:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 1 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3 + I** I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2D5/2) Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 1; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 1 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 1hv detection range for I** X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 3hv e- KERs CH3I# I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D5/2) 2hvr # 1 CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 1
D3hv / eV Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: I+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; for the lowest energy I** Ionization of I** requires 1 hv Ionization of I** requires 2 hv #1 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ D3hv / eV ;Lay25,Gr25 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D1hv / eV Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: CH3I+(3/2); I* CH3I+(1/2); I* CH3I+(3/2); I CH3I+(1/2); I #1 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ D1hv / eV ;Lay28,Gr28 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (1) ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
# 1; Comments/questions: Where should PES peaks due to CH3I# -> CH3I+(3/2,v2=0 & 1) appear? What is the broad high KER in the I+ KER spectrum?
# 2:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 2 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv I**(6s,2P1/2) CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 2; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 2 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 1hv detection range for I** CH3 + I** CH3I# X,1/2 X,3/2 3hv e- KERs I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D3/2) 2hvr # 2 CH3 + I**(6s,2D5-3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 2
D3hv / eV Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: I+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; for the lowest energy I** I**(6s,2D5/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) Ionization of I** requires 1 hv I**(6s,2S1/2) #2 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 170919 D3hv / eV ;Lay25,Gr25 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D1hv / eV Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: CH3I+(3/2); I* CH3I+(1/2); I* CH3I+(3/2); I CH3I+(1/2); I #2 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 D1hv / eV ;Lay28,Gr28 For E(M+,eV) = 3.41407e-5 x (pix)2for (2) ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
# 2; Comments/questions: PES: Where should PES peaks due to CH3I# -> CH3I+(3/2,v2=0 & 1) appear? Determine more I** threshold levels for the PESs near the strongest peaks; It looks as if signals due to ionization of many levels are piling up/overlapping in that that region (see energy levels) I+ KER: Seem to be two contributions: 1) –from the I**(2D) states (Higher KER) and 2) – from higher enery I**states (Lower KER) (see levels in slide 87) CH3+ KER: Seem to be two (or more) contributions: 1) Low KER and 2) High KER (see slide 89).
# 3:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 3 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv I**(6s,2P1/2) CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P3/2) Absorption spectra CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 3; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 3 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 1hv detection range for I** CH3 + I** CH3I# X,1/2 3hv X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) # 3 eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 3
D3hv / eV Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: I+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; for the lowest energy I** I**(6s,2D5/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) Ionization of I** requires 1 hv I**(6s,2S1/2) # 3 : 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 D3hv / eV ;Lay25,Gr25 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D1hv / eV Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: CH3I+(3/2); I* CH3I+(1/2); I* CH3I+(3/2); I CH3I+(1/2); I # 3 : 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 D1hv / eV ;Lay28,Gr28 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for (3)
D3hv / eV Thresholds for CH3I+3hv -> CH3 (X,0000)+I** CH3+ KER on CH3+ KERs alternative(??) interpretations following CH3I# excitation: Thresholds for CH3I+3hv -> CH3 (X,0000)+I** CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2D5/2) Not likely: I**(6s,2P1/2) # 3 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 D3hv / eV ;Lay32,Gr35 For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for (3) ; sheet: Predictions-short
# 3; Comments/questions: PES: Determine more I** threshold levels for the PESs near the strongest peaks; It looks as if signals due to ionization of many levels are piling up/overlapping in that that region (see energy levels) Check thresholds for CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I#; CH3I# -> CH3I+(3/2,1/2) + e- (see below for CH3+ KERs) I+ KER: Add more thresholds (CH3(X,0000)) + I**) for more I** CH3+ KER: Are we observing vibrational structure in CH3+ (see slide 95), i.e.: CH3I + (2r+1)hv -> CH3I#; photoexcitations CH3I# -> CH3I+(3/2, ½) + e-; autoionization CH3I+(3/2, ½) + 1hv -> CH3+(X,v1v2v3v4) + I photodissociation CH3I+(3/2,1/2) + 1hv -> CH3+(X,v1v2v3v4) + I* photodissociation ?
# 4a:
4hv 3hv 3hv Absorption 2hv spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 4b CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2P3/2) 2hv Absorption spectra CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 4b; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 4a eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** CH3I# X,1/2 3hv X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3I+2hv->CH3I** CH3I**-> CH3+I* I*+2hv->I** I**+1hv-> I++e CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) # 4a CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) For E(e,eV) = 3.29e-5 x 0.97 (pix)2 eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra ;Gr42
eV # 4a For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: Threshold for CH3I + 2hv -> CH3I**; CH3I** -> I* + CH3(X;0000); 0.429 eV; „accidental“ resonance detection: I*(..5p; J = 1/2) + 2hv -> I**(…6p, J = 3/2); I**(…6p, J = 3/2) + 1hv -> I+ + e- Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; for the lowest energy I** # 4a 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.) eV ;Lay33,Gr32 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short, box= H90
NB! # 4a CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 171003; (4a); 336.357(exp.)
# 4b:
4hv 3hv 3hv Absorption 2hv spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 4b CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) 2hv Absorption spectra CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 4b; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 4b ? eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** CH3I# X,1/2 3hv X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) # 4b ? eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 27
D3hv / eV Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: I+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for :CH3I + 3hv -> CH3I# -> CH3 + I**; for the lowest energy I** # 4b I**(6s,2D5/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) 171004; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) D3hv / eV ;Lay25,Gr25 For E(M+,eV) = 3.5e-5 x (pix)2 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
D1hv / eV Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: Thresholds for CH3I+(3/2,1/2)+1hvpd -> CH3++ I/I*: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: # 4b CH3I+(3/2); I* CH3I+(1/2); I* CH3I+(3/2); I CH3I+(1/2); I 171003; (4b); 335.735 (exp.) D1hv / eV ;Lay28,Gr28 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short For E(M+,eV) = 3.50e-5 x (pix)2 for 4b
# 4b; Comments/questions: PES: I+ KER: Add more thresholds (CH3(X,0000)) + I**) for more I** CH3+ KER: Are we observing vibrational structure in CH3+ (see slide 95), i.e.: CH3I + (2r+1)hv -> CH3I#; photoexcitations CH3I# -> CH3I+(3/2, ½) + e-; autoionization CH3I+(3/2, ½) + 1hv -> CH3+(X,v1v2v3v4) + I photodissociation CH3I+(3/2,1/2) + 1hv -> CH3+(X,v1v2v3v4) + I* photodissociation ?
# 5:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 5 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) Absorption spectra CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 5; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
# 6:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 6 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) Absorption spectra CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 6; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 6 ? eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3I# X,1/2 X,3/2 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) # 6 CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) What is all this? Could that be responsible for the broad, high KER I+? ? eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 7
NB! # 6 I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.)
D3hv / eV Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ + I- # 6 171010; (6); 324.5015(exp.) D3hv / eV ;Lay35,Gr38 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
# 6; Comments/questions: PES: See question in PES spectrum / slide 109 I+ KER: Very broad and high KER structure(?) CH3+ KER:
# 7:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 7 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 7; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr #7 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3I# e- KERs e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3I# X,1/2 X,3/2 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) #7 CH3 + I**(6s,2P1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 8
NB! # 7 I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.)
D3hv / eV Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ + I- # 7 171005; (7); 317.120(exp.) D3hv / eV ;Lay36,Gr39 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
# 8:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 8 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 8; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr #8 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3I# e- KERs e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) 2hvr #8 CH3 + I**(6s,2P1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 9
NB! #8 I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.)
D3hv / eV Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ + I- #8 171006; (8); 310.1525(exp.) D3hv / eV ;Lay37,Gr40 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
# 9:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 9 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 9; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
# 10:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 10 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv CH3 + I** CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 I**(6s,2P1/2) Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 10; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
# 11:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 11 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 11; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3+ + I* + e-; 106163.9 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 e- KERs 3hv CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) #11 What is this? CH3 + I**(6s,2P1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 10
NB! #11 I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2
D3hv / eV Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3+ KER on a D3hv scale for #12 as standard: Thresholds for CH3+ + I-: CH3+ + I- #11 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 D3hv / eV ;Lay38,Gr41 ; sheet: Ry spectra; Predictions-short
# 12:
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 12 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 12; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs 3hv CH3+ + I* + e-; 106163.9 e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) #12 What is this? eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 11
NB! #12 I+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $
NB! #12 CH3+ KERs interpretations following CH3I# excitation: 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $
MR-REMPI data: See ..rempi/CH3I/New 2017_2018/Overlapped Spectra.pxp
Study regions: Study regions: 2hv 2hv 1hv 1hv MR-REMPI total 2017-18 71500 70000 2hv 2hv 55500 55500 Slice imaging-experiments 1hv and 2hv(res.)… excitations 41700 35750 35750 35000 32440 32440 1hv 31400 1hv 27750 27750 27750 MR-REMPI from 2012 Low power Excitations 1hv non-resonant Excitation only MR-REMPI from 2012 Low power Excitations 1hv non-resonant Excitation only; lay0, Gr0; sheet: „various..“
MR-REMPI data for CH3I: See …rempi/CH3I/New 2017_2018/ Overlapped Spectra.pxp:2hv = 62800 – 83400 cm-1 with the exception(gap) of 2hv = 75200 – 76400 cm-1 ; Lay0,Gr0
# 2,7,8,11,12: Included; Rydberg states #0 #9 #12 # 2,7,8,11,12: Included; Rydberg states # 0,9 excluded #2 #8 #11 #7
# 1: Included; Rydberg states # 1: Included; Rydberg states #1
# 3,6: Included; Rydberg states #3 #10 #5 # 3,6: Included; Rydberg states # 5,10 excluded #6
# 1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12: Included; Rydberg states # 0,5,9,10, excluded # 4b, included; unknown state # 4a,4c: excluded # 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # 4a, 4b 2hv / cm-1; Lay1, Gr4
Unknown peak 2hv / cm-1 # 2 3 5 # 4a, 4b,4b # 2 3 5 # 4a, 4b,4b 2hv / cm-1; Lay1, Gr4
[1/2]ns n= 6 7 [3/2]np n3 n2 n1 n= 6 7 n3 n2 n1 [3/2]nd [1/2]np n= 5 6 Measured Rydberg states Measured unknown state 2hv / cm-1; Lay1, Gr4
[1/2]ns n= 6 7 [3/2]np n3 n2 n1 n= 6 7 n3 n2 n1 [3/2]nd [1/2]np n= 5 6 Measured Rydberg states Measured unknown state 2hv / cm-1; Lay1, Gr4
D3hv / eV PES, (on a D3hv scale) 3hv processes : CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) <- CH3I(X;0,..) CH3I+(1/2;0,0,0,0,0,0) <- CH3I(X;0,..) CH3I+(3/2;0,0,0,0,1,0) <- CH3I(X;,0,…) CH3I+(3/2;0..) <- CH3I(X;0..) I+ <- I(3/2) I+ <- I(1/2) CH3+ <- CH3(X) 171024; (0); 366.025(exp.) 170920 (1) 359.062394 6s (1/2) +v2 2E1/2 $ 170919 (2) 339.4039 6p (0…) # 2E3/2 171002 (3) 336.9137083 6p(3/2) +v3 2E3/2 : 171003; (4a) 170925 (11) 294.184944 7p(0,…) # 2E3/2 170922; (12) 286.6025073 7s(0,…) # 2E1/2 $ f = 3.6e-5 f = 3.104e-5 D3hv / eV For E(e,eV) = 3.29e-5 x (pix)2 Except E(e,eV) = 3.104e-5 x (pix)2 for (0) ;Lay22,Gr23 ; sheet: Ry spectra & Predictions-short
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 12 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr CH3 + I**(1); 73829.44741 cm-1 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 12; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
4hv 3hv Absorption spectra 2hvr 2hvr 1hv # 12 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv= 104675 cm-1 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3 + I** DE =30846 cm-1/3.82 eV Absorption spectra I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr 2hvr CH3 + I**(1); 73829.44741 cm-1 1hv CH3 + I*; 26798.95741 DE =104675 cm-1/12.98 eV CH3 + I; 19195.9874 # 12; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: Ry spectra
3hv 2hvr # 1 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 1hv detection range for I** X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 3hv e- KERs CH3I# I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D5/2) 2hvr # 1 CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 1
3hv 2hvr # 2 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 1hv detection range for I** CH3 + I** CH3I# X,1/2 X,3/2 3hv e- KERs I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 I**(6s,2D3/2) 2hvr # 2 CH3 + I**(6s,2D5-3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 2
3hv 2hvr # 3 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 1hv detection range for I** CH3 + I** CH3I# X,1/2 3hv X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) # 3 eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 3
3hv 2hvr # 6 ? eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3I# X,1/2 X,3/2 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) # 6 CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) What is all this? Could that be responsible for the broad, high KER I+? ? eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 7
3hv 2hvr #7 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3I# e- KERs e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 3hv CH3I# X,1/2 X,3/2 CH3 + I** I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) v2 = 1 I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) #7 CH3 + I**(6s,2P1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 8
3hv 2hvr #8 eV PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: CH3I# e- KERs e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 3hv CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2P3/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) 2hvr #8 CH3 + I**(6s,2P1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 9
PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs CH3+ + I* + e-; 106163.9 CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 e- KERs 3hv CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) #11 What is this? CH3 + I**(6s,2P1/2) eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 10
PES interpretations following CH3I# excitation: e- KERs 3hv CH3+ + I* + e-; 106163.9 e- KERs CH3 + I+ + e; 103491.0874 CH3+ + I + e-; 98560.912 CH3+ + e + I; 98560.91016 CH3I# X,1/2 CH3 + I** X,3/2 I**(6s,2P1/2) I**(6s,2S1/2) I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3I+ + e; 76945.26047; v2 = 0 CH3+ + I-; 73888.047 2hvr CH3 + I**(6s,2D3/2) CH3 + I**(6s,2S1/2) #12 What is this? eV; lay0, Gr0 ; sheet: various & Ry spectra; slide 11