MEET YOUR SUPPORT Nate Yosten – CFO, Accounting Manager Accounts Payable A/P Supervisor – Nicole Craig Fanny Monroy Valerie Gonzalez Evelyn Ortiz Property Accountants Brittnie Parker Nicole Craig Bank Reconciliation & Credit Cards Osvaldo Rocha Collections & Accounts Receivable Ivette Cruz Tax Accountant Maurilio Castorena Mention Nicole promotion Mention Evelyn starting next Monday Direct them to their Accounting Department Reference Sheet –new one will be sent out next week after Evelyn starts
NEW VENDORS We MUST have all required information for the vendor to be paid W-9 Insurance certificate General Liability of $1,000,000 minimum (some exceptions) Worker’s Comp of $1,000,000 minimum, unless they have a waiver (TX only) Legal name of the owner of your property as listed on New Vendor Letter, with corporate office address listed MUST BE NAMED AS “Additional Insured” Vendor price list for those that are required Please email directly to Nicole Craig Subject line – NEW VENDOR – “PROP”
PURCHASE ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED into Medventory on same day item or service is received Invoices WILL NOT BE PAID until the purchase order is received Processing delays result in: Credit holds, not only for your property, but may affect others Lost productivity for A/P team from having to contact you Upset vendors, many times misdirected at A/P team Around 50% of PO’s are not being received before invoice has been received Please respond that it has been received when emailed to receive a PO
PURCHASE ORDERS Items that require a purchase order: Anything over $250 All paint All appliances All carpet and flooring installation All equipment (office equip, tools, etc.) Note: This applies to all credit card purchases as well
INVOICES Items that require unit numbers to process the invoice: Appliances Water Heaters A/C Units Furnaces Flooring Interior & Exterior Doors Painting Carpet Cleaning Special Extermination Issues
CREDIT CARD FORMS Descriptions are very important! Always list actual items purchased for the description Separate items on the receipt if they should go to a different G/L code. DO NOT use the name of the G/L code as your description Must have receipts or missing receipt form Many descriptions end up being filled out as “supplies”. We need to know what they are so we can verify the G/L coding and so it shows up correctly in the financials. It is very important for budget comparison. Show Lost Receipt form – Cardholder agreement
WEEKLY & MONTH-END PACKETS General Guidelines Separate items by type Need invoices weekly, including originals of invoices that were scanned FAS’s should be sent in the next weekly packet after move-out was completed End-of-month Send ASAP after close-out Include CC receipts, Bank Deposit batches If you receive any statements in the mail, please throw them into the packet as well, do not throw away
CLOSING REMINDERS Checks MUST be stamped with endorsement stamp before scanning Use Move-out Refund Checklist, but only for those who are due a refund Requests for date of last carpet replacements should be directed to