Hello! Today you need: Your READING comp. book.. A book to read/annotate.
Problem & Solution
Problem & Solution Problem: What’s wrong? Solution: How we fix what is wrong.
Words that signal Problem & Solution Problem: Look for words like… Because Since Therefore As a consequence Problem Threat Solution: Look for words like… Effort Attempting Progress Trying These steps Address the problem
Driving in Seattle Problem? Solution?
Let’s do it together! Now that we’ve identified causes and effects in the China article, let’s read the last page. Did you notice how the structure changed?
Directions! Go back to “Protecting the Amazon.” Read ENTIRE the article silently. List environmental PROBLEMS on the left side of your T chart. Then list the SOLUTIONS written in the text.
Exit Ticket On a half sheet of paper, please write your name as well as one problem and one solution you came up with for your case study. This will be collected before you leave today.