Room A-5 Homework November 14-18, 2016 Samantha is our STAR of the Week!! There will be no school next week! Enjoy your Thanksgiving week with your family and friends! School resumes Monday, November 28th. This week and the week after Thanksgiving break, we are continuing the after-school assessments from 2:00- 3:00. Please meet us at the front of the school at 3:00 on your child’s assigned day. Thank you! Contact Info: Phone: 484-2811; Email : and kspane@ Homework Nightly Homework- Read every night for 10-20 minutes. Fill out Reading Log and return Friday. Practice for Spelling Test week 10. Use November’s Speller’s Choice Menu and Study for Vocabulary Test week 10. Use Sight Word Activity Sheet , Fry Words App, or Muscle Math: study week 10 (tens). – use website 2x this week. Continue having your child practice their school Google password to keep it in their memory. Pick one of the November Poems (either “Thanksgiving Today” or “Coming To America”) and start memorizing. Your child will recite one of the poems to the class after Thanksgiving. The schedule below is just a suggestion: Monday: Math: Lesson 33. Start “The Runaway Turkey Project” Spelling: Write words three times each on lined paper provided (keep at home). Tuesday: Continue the turkey project. Use Storyline online or HMH app to listen to a book or read book bag. Wednesday: Spelling Test tomorrow! Study using or study application of choice. Thursday: High Frequency Words: pg.17 Return “The Runaway Turkey Project”Vocabulary: Practice/Study Vocabulary Week words using an app on your home ipad/iphone/computer (Fry Words or Vocabulary and Mountain Math Tests tomorrow! Return Homework Packet tomorrow! Friday: Read 20 minutes. Have a wonderful holiday week! Return book bag Monday, November 28th! Giana is our next STAR of the WEEK – please bring poster Monday, November 28th! Reminders: Mon., Nov. 7-Thurs., Dec. 1st: After- school Assessments Mon., Nov. 21st-25th: No School – Thanksgiving Break Wed., Dec. 14th: Report Cards go home Mon.,Dec. 19th- Mon., January 2nd: Winter Break ~ school resumes Tues., January 3rd