Questions When is the first point we realise Marian is black and the other characters are white? How do we know this? Why does Marian keep failing her.


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Presentation transcript:

Questions When is the first point we realise Marian is black and the other characters are white? How do we know this? Why does Marian keep failing her driving test? In your opinion, would she have passed if Mrs Ericson had gone along in the car with them?

Questions Find 3 pieces of evidence that show that Marian is a good driver and in your own words explain how these quotations show us that she is a good driver. Write down 2 times when Marian seems to know more than Mrs Ericson and explain in your own words how this shows that she understands her situation. Why does the writer make Marian seem very able, and more aware of racism than her employer?

Extension Tasks Explain how the title literally fits the story. Explain how the title has a deeper, figurative meaning too. (what is she being tested on other than her driving?) Mindmap what we learnt about the themes (Racism, Anger, Sympathy, Dislike, Honesty, Unpleasant situation, Unfair treatment) and what actions show these themes.