Name: _________________ Directions: Each night as you are reading, you should be jotting down your thoughts on post it notes. Please use this paper as a safe holding space for ideas. If you make more than one thought that night, then you can stack the post it notes on top of each other in that day’s box. This sheet will be turned in daily, checked, and returned. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
From the post it note reference sheet Please use the post it note reference page in your Reader’s Notebook or blue binder. A copy can also be found on Google Classroom. Please set up your post it notes as follows: From the post it note reference sheet Template Page Number Symbol _______________________ _______________________, BECAUSE _______________ _______________________. Sample P. 6 ? This part makes me wonder if he will listen to the rules, because I already know he is going to sneak three candy corns. Also, he doesn’t listen well to during Ms. Rooney’s teaching so he could be a rule breaker too.