1) Save the world OR 2) Make a million £ Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to another use Eliminate Reverse
LO: to effectively search the web to find information, considering reliability, bias, validity and trustworthiness I can find information online using some keywords and save some information for later use. I do not consider the reliability, bias, validity and trustworthiness of a source. I record some information of my source. I can find information using only relevant keywords. I considered some aspects of reliability, bias, validity and trustworthiness of a source and make some comment about them. I record the key information about my source for future reference. I can widen or narrow my searching using advanced search techniques (including OR and - ) to find information. I always consider the reliability, bias, validity and trust worthiness of a source & can comment upon them. I consistently record key information about my source plus other useful information (e.g. date page was last updated) L4/5 L5/6 L6/7
The project You need to research a topic ready for next year. Choose one of the subjects you are going to do from the ‘Topics for research’ document in shared (Computing & IT\Year 9\Unit 9.6 - Presenting information) You will need to: Research that topic online – Keep track of all sources Explain how you checked the validity of information Screenshot using advanced search Present your findings Use PowerPoint or Prezi (www.prezi.com) Make sure you only put bullet points or images on the presentation Use the notes section or separate note page to write up everything you will say
My search skills on the web… Where are you now? Need developing! 1) Look at the PowerPoints from Google 2) Watch the 3 videos on YouTube All resources in Shared (Unit 6 / Researching) My search skills on the web… Absolutely brilliant! Get going on your research. Use the research evidence template, in shared, to record how and what you find!