Programme Luxembourg Presidency European Public Administration Network Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Outline Priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency Calendar of the meetings Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency 12th meeting of the European Ministers responsible for Public Administration Mid Term Programme 2006/2007 44th meeting of the European Directors General responsible for Public Administration Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
12th meeting of the European Ministers responsible for Public Administration « A new area for public administrations and civil services in an enlarged Europe » Mid Term Programme 2006/2007 Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
MTP 2006-2007 November 2004 : Letter to the European Ministers responsible for Public Administration (response deadline : January 2005) February 2005 : Discussion on first draft End of March 2005 : Second draft and discussion in TROIKA DG April 2005 : Final draft 8th June 2005 : Approval by the Ministers Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
44th meeting ot the directors general responsible for Public Administration « Are civil servants different because they are civil servants? » « The flexibilisation of the employment status for civil servants.» Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Human Resources Working Group « Human Resources Management Strategies to support organisational change » Existing HR structures in EU member states Government HR strategies HR procedures National Contact Points Follow-up meeting Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Innovative Public Services Group CAF Action Plan CAF survey 2nd European CAF Event From 3QC to 4QC Benchmarking and best practices Work Programme Communications and Knowledge Communication Plan Cooperation/Working Methods Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
e-Government Organisational changes, skills and the role of leadership required by eGovernment Interoperability : Data Sharing (central registers & unambiguous identification) versus Data Protection e-Government & CAF Working methods and tools Common working methods for all EPAN working groups : Common working tools for all EPAN working groups : CIRCA & EUPAN web site Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Directors and Experts of Better Regulation Meeting in Luxembourg (9/10 December 2004) Presentation of the report which will be compiled by Mr. Dieudonné Mandelkern on the different working groups responsible for the qualitiy of regulation at the EU level the implementation progress of the recommendations in the EU Member States stated in the Mandelkern report of 2001 Analysis and presentation of the document compiled by the DEBR TROIKA on the assessment and the future working methods of the DEBR meetings Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Directors of schools and institutes for Public Administration A common competence frame for leaders and senior professionals in the civil service, operating at a national level and dealing with the European Union (The Hague action plan to be continued) Network communication between the schools and institutes of public administration - using, supporting and extending the ISPAN-network Further developments of the « ERT+ training and exchange programme » Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
« Groupe Statut » Informal meeting on the 13th and 14th of January 2005 in Luxembourg Working programme to be defined Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Calendar Date Meeting 9-10 December 2004 Better Regulation Meeting 7 January 2005 Troika-secretariat 13-14 January 2005 « Groupe Statut » 18 January 2005 Troika IPSG 3 February 2005 Troika DEBR 17-18 February 2005 IPSG 22 February 2005 HRWG 24-25 February 2005 E-government Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Calendar Date Meeting 9 March 2005 Troika-secretariat 24 March 2005 Troika DG 18-19 April 2005 HRWG 28-29 April 2005 IPSG 2-3 May 2005 Directors of School 12-13 May 2005 E-government 23 May 2005 Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Calendar Date Meeting 01-02 June 2005 CAF users event 07 June 2005 Troika DG 08 June 2005 12th meeting of European Ministers responsible for Public Administration 09-10 June 2005 44th meeting of DG’s responsible for Public Administration Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Goodbye “Nederland” Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004
Hello “Lëtzebuerg” Programme Luxembourg Presidency Maastricht, 23 November 2004