July 2008-December 2009 24th April 2008 05/04/2019 Work programme on social dialogue by the French-Czech-Swedish Presidency “trio” July 2008-December 2009 24th April 2008
05/04/2019 Why a “trio” France, the Czech Republic and Sweden need a closer cooperation in order to implement the work programme of the test phase of the more structured informal social dialogue The same countries are strongly involved in the evaluation of the test phase which demands possibilities to meet in between the normal EUPAN meetings The work form of a “trio” is not at this stage to be seen as a suggestion of continued new work forms of EUPAN but rather as a response to immediate needs.
What the ”trio” is, and what it is not? The ”trio” is a complementary, informal, working structure between the employer representatives of the next three presidencies The ”trio” reports its operative decisions to the relevant working structures of EUPAN The purpose of the ”trio” is to facilitate the social dialogue test phase and its work forms, not to substitute them The work and the possible added values of the “trio” will be evaluated like all other structures of the test phase
Reminder : our joint work programme Social dialogue (horizontal theme) Sustain an efficient administration Contribution to the Lisbonne strategy Violence at work
Within the joint work programme, 2 topics seem particularly relevant: 05/04/2019 Within the joint work programme, 2 topics seem particularly relevant: work-related stress (violence and harassment at work, or “psychosocial” risks) planning for change/change management/restructuring.
These two topics are relevant to our work because 05/04/2019 These two topics are relevant to our work because They correspond to current issues to be addressed in all European countries TUNED and the Commission are highly in favour of these topics being addressed Employers and union representatives have worked at cross-sector level on these topics: written agreements/ communications have been concluded on them Joint orientation document on managing change and its social consequences (Oct.2003) Joint framework agreement on work-related stress (May 2004) A forthcoming communication from the Commission about planning for change (to be issued in July 2008) They introduce real continuity into our Presidency trio The second issue in particular, “managing change”, matches the priorities of the forthcoming Presidencies.
1/ WORK-RELATED STRESS 9 sept 2008 EUPAN SD W group 05/04/2019 1/ WORK-RELATED STRESS 9 sept 2008 EUPAN SD W group For a pragmatic and concrete approach : A presentation by a European Commission representative (to present the Framework agreement on work-related stress, joint proposal of 27 May 2004) Testimonies from an employer and a trade-union representative involved in the topic A discussion about possible outcomes for central public administrations
18-month outlook on work-related stress 05/04/2019 18-month outlook on work-related stress December 2008 DG Meeting June 2009 DG Meeting Common statement DG resolution December 2009 DG Meeting List of concrete actions to fight stress at work within CPA Assessment of preliminary outcomes
2/ PLANNING FOR CHANGE/RESTRUCTURING 05/04/2019 2/ PLANNING FOR CHANGE/RESTRUCTURING 13 November 2008 EUPAN SD W group To identify relevant actions in the perspective of anticipating change within CPA A presentation by a European Commission representative to present the work made so far at the cross-sectoral level Testimonies from a high level consultant and a public top manager, experts in this field A discussion about the possible outcomes for central public administration This discussion could lead to a EUPAN/TUNED position about a forthcoming Commission Communication on anticipating and managing change and restructuring
18-month outlook on change/restructuring 05/04/2019 18-month outlook on change/restructuring December 2008 DG Meeting June 2009 DG Meeting A common statement for CPA to identify best practices to manage change December 2009 DG Meeting « Joint Trust project » conference with a presentation of research’s results on management of change Outcomes and dissemination of results
Proposal EUPAN and TUNED jointly support the proposed practical implementation of the Social dialogue work programme.
Schedule and operational contacts 05/04/2019 Schedule and operational contacts
Schedule for meetings under the French Presidency 05/04/2019 Schedule for meetings under the French Presidency Meeting Date Venue Troika Secretariat 1 7 July Paris Social Dialogue Group 1 9 September Troika Secretariat 2 29 September Troika DG 1 23 October Social Dialogue Group 2 13 November Brussels Troika DG 2 17 December DG meeting on social dialogue + mid-term evaluation 19 December
Your operational contacts 05/04/2019 Your operational contacts France (July-December 2008): Lionel CHATY Lionel.Chaty@fp.pm.gouv.fr Tel: +33 (1) 42 75 87 98 – mob: + 33 (6) 61 34 94 80 Czech Republic (January-June 2009): Miroslava HOLUBOVA holubova@mvcr.cz +420 (974) 816 286 Sweden (July-December 2009) : Per STENGARD Per.Stengard@arbetsgivarverket.se +33 (0)1 42 75 50 89 TUNED: Nadja SALSON nsalson@epsu.org + 32 2 250 10 80