Mrs. Schaefer’s 5th Grade Class Our Summit Hill District expectations for all staff and students are “the 3 BE’s”. BE respectful BE responsible BE safe.
Behavior the “Walker Way” Cool Tools (mini lessons) Students who are good examples of the 3 BE’s will earn paws to be spent in “Paw Mart” or buying special coupons. Students who do all homework and follow the “Walker Way” will earn a reward at the end of the week, and a special reward at the end of the quarter.
Misbehavior Plan If a student does not follow the Walker Way, a blue slip goes in the pocket. Loss of free time will occur. On the third blue slip, the student will earn a minor referral. The student may speak to the principal and serve a lunch detention. After earning 3 minor referrals, a major referral will be given. Students start fresh each quarter.
PLEASE STUDY MATH FACTS!!!! Math Common Core Common Core series Go Math covers: +, -, x, ÷ whole numbers, decimals, fractions graphing, measurement, geometry, volume PLEASE STUDY MATH FACTS!!!! Go Math is concept-based not just memorization. Pictures and drawings are common. Math book is soft-cover. Homework follows the lesson from previous pages. Yes, it is OK to help your child. Think Central also has great help on- line. Notes are also in math spiral!
Science Units covered are: Scientific Method, Plants, Food Webs, Earth’s Systems, Water Sources, Matter, and Earth and Space. Notes are in the spiral notebook or on handouts.
Weekly Homework I try to NOT assign homework on Fridays, but on occasion it may be necessary. BUT… Every Friday students get a math motivator sheet. It will be due the following Friday. They must show their work. You may check it.
Pockets are cleaned every quarter. Homework Policy 1st day - Slip in pocket. Complete pink slip and get it signed. Return the assignment and pink slip the next day. Student may complete assignment in study hall. 2nd day- If not returned, parents will be contacted. After that it could earn a 0%. After 5 pink slips, student must attend study hall during lunch for the remainder of the quarter. Pockets are cleaned every quarter.
Assignment Notebook Completed assignment notebook (AN) comes home each night. No blank days. Put an X or NONE. Parent signs it to confirm knowledge of the work to do. After the first quarter, responsible students will earn the privilege of not having to get it signed. (They still need to fill it out and do the work though) A copy of the homework is posted on my website to use as a backup. They do not need to be signed on Fridays.
Grading Scale Grades A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 50-59
Re-Do Policy All D and F summatives MUST be retaken. Students may choose to retake one summative per quarter, per subject. The most recent grade will be recorded. Before retaking any summative, students must complete a reflection form, get it signed, and turn it in with proof of further studying to better learn the information.
Friday Folders It comes home every Friday with papers from the week. Parents sign and return folder on Monday. Sticker given if all papers are above 70%. Papers below 70% will be listed on folder. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Absences A child who is absent is allowed 1 day for each absent day to make up work. If possible, it helps to have the missing work sent home so the child can keep up and understand the new lesson upon return to school.
Remember: Please remember to review the student handbook, especially the weapon policy and dress code.
Recycling My goal is to save the earth. I’m putting this on my web page instead of printing it. I also encourage students to use the back of their paper. I reuse paper too. I highly encourage the use of reusable water bottles. I put the weekly newsletter on my website.
Contact me anytime The school phone number is 815- 464-2285. My e-mail is If you just want to check for an assignment, you may look at my web page at