Thursday, December 6th HW: Answer the Aim in a full paragraph. Aim: Why were the effects of the Berlin Conference significant? Do Now: Describe a time in your life where somebody else had something you wanted. Did you end up getting what that person had? Why did you want it in the first place?
King Leopold II of Belgium
Piñata Activity Discussion Questions Africans, how did you feel during this activity? Europeans, how did you feel during this activity? What did the Europeans do when the candy spilled out of the piñata? What do you think the piñata represented? What do you think the candy represented? Who did all the work to break the piñata? Who got to enjoy all the benefits?
Piñata Activity Discussion Questions What do you think the Europeans feared would happen over the “Scramble for Africa”? What do you think the European nations did to avoid conflict? What do you think happened to Africa as a result of that meeting?
Berlin Conference (1884) European leaders set up guidelines for colonizing Africa.
Social Darwinism Theory that those who enjoyed wealth and success were “fittest for survival” and superior to those who had not made significant scientific or technological progress.
“White Man’s Burden” White man’s duty to civilize “backwards” people.
SUMMARY At the turn of the 20th century many Europeans believed their culture and religion was the best and felt they were doing the Africans a favor by imposing their culture and religion on them. Europeans felt it was morally right to spread their values… DO YOU THINK IMPERIALISM WAS MORALLY RIGHT? DO YOU THINK THERE ARE ANY ISSUES TODAY THAT PEOPLE MAY VIEW AS A MORAL OUTRAGE IN 100 YEARS?