CHARISM Charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, communicated through a particular person who gathers disciples around him or her and with whom he or she translates a bold vision into action. Charism is a living passion for whatever dimension of the life of Christ is needed now - faith, obedience, compassion, thoughtfulness, hope, contentment, determination... It is the burning desire in the heart of the founder/foundress that was alive at one period of history, living on in us, in another day and age. It is ever evolving.... it is where the reign of God is needed most. It develops from age to age and dies from age to age ... and then grows up in a new way.
A charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to an individual for the good of the Church. This intangible gift begins with the founder or foundress and is evident in his or her work. Thus it becomes something he or she is known for. One example would be the Franciscans who are known for living a simple lifestyle. This started with St. Francis who rejected material wealth to live and work among the poor
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