Student Learning Support Center Residence Hall, 1st entrance Academic Policies Student Learning Support Center Residence Hall, 1st entrance Tel.: 237 47 99
Academic Calendar 2017-2018 Link to academic calendar :
Academic Calendar for 2017-2018 AY All Important Dates: Registration Dates Classes start dates Add/Drop Period Withdraw from Courses Payment Deadlines Midterm Assessments Dates Study Break Examination Period Semester ends
Duration of the Semester Fall and Spring Semesters are 16 weeks long, including 1 week of Study Break Summer one is 7.5 weeks long Summer Two semester is 3 weeks long.
Academic Credit Hours 1 Credit – 15 hours 2 credit - 30 hours 3 credit – 45 hours
Maximum Course Load per Semester Fall and Spring Semesters The maximum number of credits (and/or credit equivalents) for undergraduate students in Fall and Spring semesters is 18. Physical education can be taken above 18 credits.
Maximum Course Load per Semester For Example: Academic Listening and Note Taking (3 credits) Academic Reading and Writing I (3 credits) Modern History of Kazakhstan (3 credits) Kazakh Language (3 credits) Information and Communication Technologies or Business Computer Application (3 credits) Introduction to Art (2 credits) Physical Education (2 credits) Total: 19 credits Maximum Course Load per Semester
Summer semester The maximum number of credits (and/or credit equivalents) that a student may take in summer semester is 9 credits, and Physical Education (2 credits). Total – 11 credits The limit for a three-week summer module is 3 credit equivalents. Non-degree students follow the same guidelines and restrictions on maximum course load as regular degree students.
Payment fees Undergraduate Foundation English-275 750 KZT 1 credit-65 960 KZT 2 credit course-131 920 KZT 3 credit course-197 880 KZT Student Activity Fee-4 600 KZT Medical Examination Fee-2 640 KZT Library Payment Fee-30 000 KZT
Payment deadlines 1st payment- 28th of August, 2017 2nd payment- 29th of September, 2017 3rd payment- 27th of October, 2017 Late payment fee - 17600 KZT
Registration System Priority Registration 4th year students (90 credits and above) Students with a grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 or above Students with special needs have the first opportunity to register for classes. The date on which registration is opened for each priority group is indicated in the academic calendar.
Students can drop or add courses during this week free of charge Add and drop period The first week of the regular (Fall/Spring) semester is designated as the add-drop period. Students can drop or add courses during this week free of charge During Summer semesters add/drop period is two days. Please remember!!!!! Some of the instructors count attendance during Add/Drop period
Check your E-mail on regular basis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waiting List Once a course section is full, the online registration system allows students to sign up for a waiting list Any course drop of an earlier registered student will result in the place offer for the student who is first in the waiting list, requiring student confirmation within 24 hours after approval is granted. If you do not register during 24 hours, your place will be moved to the next student on the waiting list. Check your E-mail on regular basis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Late Registration Fee is 9 040 KZT!!!!!!! If you did not get a chance to register on time: The second week of the regular (Fall/Spring) semester will be opened as on-line late registration for any students whose semester registration is delayed for any reasons. During Summer semesters Late Registration period is two days. Limited course options are available at this stage. Applications for late registration will not be considered unless first approved by the Instructor. Late Registration Fee is 9 040 KZT!!!!!!!
Withdrawing from a Course The last date to withdraw from the course is stated in the academic calendar The grade of W denotes that the student has withdrawn from the course and has not completed the course requirements.
Withdrawal Policy No more than 10 Withdraw within the degree KIMEP University Refund Schedule Based upon a 15-weeks term and is linked to the withdrawal schedule as follows: Week 2 80% Refund Week 3 60% Refund Week 4 40% Refund Week 5 20% Refund No Refund Subsequent to that time!!!!!!!!!
Once you withdraw from the course, the grade of “W” is Automatic and the instructor cannot sign any other grade Assigned 0 (zero) credits and cannot count towards graduation Has no grade points and is not included in the calculation of the GPA However, if the course is required then the student must take the course again in order to graduate. In order to repeat the course a student must register for the course again and pay the regular tuition fees.
The course assessment is divided into 3 parts: 1 assessment/exams which constitute 30% of the total points 2 assessment/exams which constitute 30% of the total points Final assessment/exams 40% Total: 100% Dates are indicated in the Academic Calendar
Appeal As soon as the grades were submitted, student has a right to apply for the appeal within 48 hours to change a grade.
UNDERGRADUATE GRADING SYSTEM KIMEP University uses a letter grading system A, B, C, D, F, etc. Letter grades are further differentiated with “+” for the top of the grade range or “–” for the bottom of the grade range. Based on the grades assigned, a grade point average (GPA) is calculated and recorded on the student’s transcript.
Grades and Grade Points Grade Undergraduate Points Numerical Scale A+ Highest grade 4.33 90-100 A Excellent 4.00 85-89 A– Very good 3.67 80-84 B+ Good 3.33 77-79 B Good 3.00 73-76 B– Good 2.67 70-72 C+ Satisfactory 2.33 67-69 C Satisfactory 2.00 63-66 C– Satisfactory 1.67 60-62 D+ Passing 1.33 57-59 D Passing 1.00 53-56 D– Lowest Passing 0.67 50-52 F Failing 0.00 below 50
GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) To calculate the grade point average in a credit based system, the numerical points for each grade are multiplied by the number of credits for the course.
The following is an example: Kazakh language A 3 credits 4.00 (for A) X 3 (credits) = 12.00 Introduction to Environmental Studies B 2 credits 3.00 (for B) X 2 (credits) = 6.00 Credit-Hour Value is 12.00 + 6.00 = 18.00, Credits = 5 18.00 / 5 = 3.60 grade point average
Retake (Repeat) of a Course If failed or passed with a low grade, a course can be retaken (upgraded) If a student has failed the State Exam for “History of Kazakhstan” s/he must retake the course. But if a student receives a passing grade (at least D-) on State Exam for “History of Kazakhstan” s/he is not permitted to retake the course.
At Risk of Academic Failure Group “At Risk” Second – week, first-month, first-quarter, and first-semester absences: students who miss more than 10% of instructional time and who demonstrated poor performance by the opinion of the instructors are identified as at risk students. Any first year student who did not pass Foundation courses during the first year after admission are identified as at risk students. Any first year student with less than 24 credits taken and GPA bellow 2.0 are identified as at risk students. Parents will be informed about emerged academic problems
At Risk of Academic Failure Group “At Risk” Course performance - students with more than one F in one semester should be flagged for possible early intervention. Withdraw from a course- students with more than one W within one semester should be flagged for possible early intervention. Students who demonstrated poor performance on the first and second assessment. Parents will be informed about emerged academic problems
Academic Probation Any undergraduate degree student with 24 credits taken is placed on probation if his/her cumulative total GPA falls below 2.0 at the conclusion of any term. The student on AP status has a right to register for 12 credits course per semester and is obliged to participate in Academic Support program. Students on Academic Probation has a right to register for 6 (six) credits course in Summer 1 semester.
Academic Support Program for Students on AP The Program is designed to help students to monitor, build, and reflect upon their personal and academic development with the major goal to return the student on good academic standing. Academic Support Program is a mandatory for all students placed on AP status. The registration for courses will be blocked for students on AP. They should see LSC Coordinator to discuss the schedule for the next semester. Attend Motivational Workshops Attend Tutoring Program
Year of Study In the framework of academic credit system, the year of study is based on the number of credits completed according to the table below. Credits earned Year of Study 0 to 30 First year (Freshman) 31 to 60 Second year (Sophomore) 61 to 90 Third year (Junior) 91 and up Fourth Year (Senior)
Confirmation of student status The Office of the Registrar prepares enrollment verification documents (spravka) for students enrolled at KIMEP UNIVERSITY under any status as well as alumni. Documents are available in a timely manner. Students may request it online though the Student Portal.
ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION POLICY (G-MAIL) All KIMEP University students are provided with an official e-mail address on Gmail and all communications are done through it. Students may get User name and Password in #326 Valikhanov Building
Transfer Between Programs Students must complete one full semester Complete 16 credits GPA 2.33 and above