Good morning! Please have a seat & get out your notes. Get a ½ sheet of paper: Do not put your name on your paper. Be ready to respond to two questions. You will turn this in.
Two Questions What was good for you about the winter break? What was not good for you during the winter break?
Spring 2019 Syllabus Read it. Points of emphasis. Questions?
First Four Find a place in your notes to respond to the questions on the next slide.
Write down your response: What images/symbols/characters do you see? What is the message of this document?
Write down your thoughts to the following question: What price will you pay for success? Think about a significant real-life goal you have. What are you willing to do to achieve it? What are the limits of what you will do?
Unit 3: American Expansion & Imperialism 1840s-1930s GQ#1 - Why, and with what consequences, did the USA expand its power in North America? GQ#2 - Why, and with what consequences, did US relations with the states of Central America and the Caribbean change? GQ#3 - Why, and with what consequences, did US relations with Europe change? GQ#4 - Why, and with what consequences, did US relations with Asia change? What do you already know? What would you like to know?
Group Projects See Handout
Let’s Color!!! How & why did the United States expand from 1840-1920? Maps of the American Empire American expansion into the West and around the globe Identify & date Textbooks, wall maps