Describe the issues/“Ghosts” of reconstruction that still haunt America today. Journals will be used to refine your understanding of the topics and information.


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Presentation transcript:

Describe the issues/“Ghosts” of reconstruction that still haunt America today. Journals will be used to refine your understanding of the topics and information we discuss in class. These will also be used to build towards your writing assessments.

Reconstruction: Putting America back together Mr. Mize

Results of the Civil War Four years of fighting – (1861 – 1865) Union Victory Over 618,000 military deaths during Civil War. Reconstruction begins

Reconstruction majority of battles took place in the South, many Southern houses, farms, bridges, and railroads were destroyed. The confederacy was dead – all confederate money was worthless and banks closed. People lost all their savings. Lincoln wanted to help the South recover to help unite the two sides.

Richmond, VA (1865)

Reconstructing the South Your initial responses to the topic 3 Thoughts/Ideas 2 Questions 1 Prediction

Reconstruction Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan: I. Once 10% of the state’s voters swore loyalty to the U.S…. II. …Southern states could rejoin the national government after they abolished slavery.

Civil War Amendments 13th Slavery abolished (1865) 14th Granted Freed Slaves citizenship (1868) 15th Granted Freed Slaves the right to vote (1870)

Freedman’s Bureau The Freedmen’s Bureau provided food, clothing, jobs, medical care, and education for millions of former slaves and poor whites. Many slaves remained on the farms working as sharecroppers because it was a job they were skilled in. During Reconstruction African-Americans were able to vote and hold political office.

What Do You…. What do you see? What do you know? What do you infer?

Ku Klux Klan Greek term Kyklos – gathering Fraternity of old confederate soldiers White supremacy Terrorist group designed to scare, intimidate and torture freed slaves to prevent them from gaining status in society

Compromise of 1877 Compromise of 1877 Southerners resented Northern presence in south. Felt like occupation, not help. During the Election of 1876 neither candidate, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes or Democrat Samuel Tilden, had enough electoral votes to win the election. Compromise of 1877 South would allow Republican Hayes to be declared President if troops left south and end reconstruction. Without northern troops, African-Americans were left unprotected.

Jim Crow Activity

Jim Crow Laws State and local laws meant to segregate blacks from whites. Examples: segregation of public schools, public places and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains for whites and blacks

Jim Crow Laws Grandfather’s Clause In order to help poor, illiterate whites to vote, a grandfather clause was passed. It stated that if a voter’s father or grandfather was eligible to vote on January 1, 1867, they did not have to take a literacy test. This allowed whites to vote, but not freedmen.

Jim Crow Poll Tax Poll taxes and literacy tests were used to prevent freedmen from voting.

Describe the issues/“Ghosts” of reconstruction that still haunt America today. 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences) minimum