Data Breach Working Group Data breaches – a brief history and current best practices for prevention Barbara Rusin Jean-Marc Ferran Megan Schmidt
Brief Outline of Work Introduction to Data Breaches and GDPR Data breach categories Accidental/Incidental Breaches Misdirected emails, unattended hardcopies or workstations, verbal breaches, saving data to the wrong drive(s) Jean-Marc Database Access and Communications Database access controls, software access limitations, software/systems validations, audit trail functionality and reviews, internal and external hacking, cloud- vs. server-associated risks Barbara Working with Clinical Sites/CROs Breaches at clinical sites, encryption at rest and during transmission, ensuring appropriate encryption and hacking safeguards at multiple entities, contracts and data limitations, vendor oversight Megan
Brief Outline of Work (continued) Discussion within each category Tangible examples Causes of historical breaches Adequacy of management Best practices from these examples, regulations, guidance, etc. Summary of GDPR requirements and best practice recommendations
Current Status Team members are working on gathering information for assigned section(s) Additional Volunteers Needed! Further break down categories into smaller units Add new categories Work as teams of 2 or more on each defined category Contact Lauren White ( or Barbara Rusin (