Community-based Care Workshop Healthwatch Norfolk offices, Wymondham – Wednesday 9th November 2016
Context for the Workshop Agenda 9.30am Registration and Refreshments 10.00am Welcome Aims of the Event Oliver Cruickshank – Communications and Engagement Manager, SNCCG 10.05am Context for the Workshop Antek Lejk – Chief Officer, SNCCG
Agenda 10.20am Financial context – NHS South Norfolk CCG’s ‘Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention’ (QIPP) plan for 2016-17 James Leeming, Interim Turnaround Director, SNCCG 10.35am Community-based care in South Norfolk: What are the CCGs aims and aspirations? What does current community-based care look like? What could be developed and improved Focus on individual patient case studies Anne Borrows, Acting Assistant Director – Clinical Transformation, SNCCG
Agenda Feedback 11.00am Tabletop exercises – patient case studies What services and support does this patient need, or may need in the future? How do current services support this patient? What could improve the services and support this patient accesses? What are the gaps in support? 11.45am Feedback 12.00pm – 12.20pm Questions and answers Next Steps Close
Aims Understand the context and challenges for the CCG in commissioning health care locally Introduce the Supported Care project Identify and discuss key themes that are important to consider in development of community-based services in South Norfolk Developing a model of regular community engagement