Fig. 8 SOD2 overexpression in normal tissues does not compromise the cytotoxic efficacy of RT. SOD2 overexpression in normal tissues does not compromise the cytotoxic efficacy of RT. (A) Conditioned medium experiment to assess transmissibility of SOD2 overexpression after exposure of target cells (HeLa) to supernatant (HeLa-SOD2 supernatant) taken from producer cells (HeLa_SOD2) (blot representative of n = 3 biological repeats). (B) Schematic of the in vivo tumor recurrence model showing tumor (red arrow) growing in an SIEA flap (paddle outline dashed white). Animals with tumors greater than 2 cm in diameter were deemed to have exceeded the experimental severity limit and euthanized. (C) Tumor volume growth (mean ± SEM) for Mat B III tumors after RT in flaps infected with LVSOD2, LVeGP, or sham (PBS) (n = 5 animals per group). (D) Individual growth curves for tumors growing in sham (PBS)–infected and unirradiated, sham (PBS)–infected and irradiated (20 Gy/5 fractions), LVSOD-infected and irradiated (20 Gy/5 fractions), or LVeGFP-infected and irradiated (20 Gy/5 fractions) flaps (n = 5 animals per group). (E) Kaplan-Meier plot of survival to severity limit (2- cm tumor diameter) for animals with Mat B III tumors grown in sham (PBS)–, LVSOD2-, or LVeGFP-infected flaps. Median survival is shown at the bottom right. n/a, not applicable. Aadil A. Khan et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaar2041 Published by AAAS