Welcome to Back to School Night! 3rd Grade Ms. Lopez-room 16 Mrs. Slaven-room 21 Mrs. Quintero-Cadena-room 19 1
LET’S WORK TOGETHER We will be stressing from the first day that teaching your child is a joint responsibility. The child that excels in school most often has parents or other adult family members supporting and encouraging their learning at home. Working together we hope we can make a this a terrific year of learning for your child.
CLASS SCHEDULE 8:20-9:00 Daily Practice/ Homework 9:05-10:00 Language Arts/Math/Writing (Teaming) 10:00-10:20 Recess 10:20-11:15 Language Arts/Math /Writing(Teaming) 11:15-12:10 Language Arts/Math /Writing(Teaming) 12:15-1:00 Lunch/Recess 1:00-1:45 ELD/Accelerated Reading 1:45-2:35 Social Studies/Science 2:40 Dismissal 3
Classroom Rules Listen while others are talking. Follow Directions. Keep hands & objects to yourself. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Show respect for school and personal property. Work and play in a safe manner. *Follow Character Counts Traits!
Classroom Dojo Classroom dojo is a positive reinforcement for students to follow the rules inside and outside of the classroom. Information is also available for parents to view.
Consequences All students are expected to abide by classroom and School rules. This entails showing respect for the rights of others both in and out of the classroom. Violation of these rules will result in the following consequences: A verbal reminder. The student’s name/number written on the board. Check mark by their name/number. Loss of privileges. Referral to the Principal/ possible conference. Rewards-Given out individually and/or as a group. 6
Homework Students are responsible for recording, completing and turning in homework assignments on a Daily Basis. Please take the time to check you child’s homework notebook as I do ask for parent signature on incomplete assignments. Reading Logs are to be kept in HW folder and will be checked daily. Work is to be completed neatly and corrected. Done by your child in your child’s writing. There will be online HW to come, 2nd /3rd trimester
PBL (Project Based Lesson) Language Arts Comprehension/Vocabulary-Teaming Grammar/Writing- Teaming Curriculum includes Houghton Mifflin program, state recommended collections and novels and WriteSteps. Math Lessons-Teaming Assessments- Homeroom Curriculum based on CCSS utilizing Eureka/EngageNY PBL (Project Based Lesson) Expectations are working and collaborating with others. They will be responsible and accountable to their groups. State Testing CAASPP (Smarter Balance) Aligned to the Common Core Computer-adaptive 8
Accelerated Reader Comprehension quizzes are taken after students have read a book corresponding to their reading level. Students who meet monthly and trimester AR goals will be recognized and will be awarded prizes. 9
Attendance Everyday attendance is important for your child to be successful! Be on time and stay for the Entire school day! 8:15-2:40 Absences need to be cleared right Away. Please, call the office the day of the absence or send a note with your child the very next day he/she returns to school.
Don’t Forget We will receive an email reminder from the website. Please sign up for a conference on Signup.com! We will receive an email reminder from the website. *Computers available tonight in homeroom to sign up.
How to Contact us: Call @ 562-801-5153 (Office) From 8:00am to 3:00pm, leave a message and we will try to get back to you soon as possible. Birney Website: be.erusd.org (links/email/phone numbers) Email: rmlopez@erusd.org mhurtado-slaven@erusd.org kquintero- cadena@erusd.org
Thank You for attending tonight Thank You for attending tonight! We look forward to a great year with your children! Together we will make a difference in your child’s education. 13