Welcome to Fourth Grade! Thank you for coming to Back to School Night!
Expectations Responsibility Organization
Homework Policy District Policy – Fourth graders should be spending 30-50 minutes on homework 3-5 days a week and 20 minutes a night reading. Purpose – review, reinforce, and extend classroom learning. Missing Homework Forms (blue sheets) Ticket reward program Parent involvement
Behavioral Expectations/Class Rules Respect everyone! Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Raise your hand to speak. Do your personal best
Rewards and Consequences Whole Class – Behavior Bingo Individual Reward – Bonus Tickets Positive recognition Consequences Clip Chart “Think About It” form (parents sign) Call Home See Mr. Mollica or Mrs. Scully
Language Arts - Reading Literature based program Reading of novels and trade books – students are assessed on comprehension through oral and written measures. Reading Anthology used to teach skills. Independent Reading, shared reading (whole class), and buddy reading. Guided reading and Literature Circles
Language Arts – Reading continued Fourth grade literature themes Flexibility and Adjustment to Change Convictions Tolerance Fantasy/Creativity
Language Arts Reading continued Reading Log – 100 minutes a week Book Talks – 1 per marking period Kelly Winkler is the Instructional Support teacher who works with our class 4 days a week.
Writer’s Workshop Process Writing Approach Forms of Writing Prewriting First draft Revising Editing Peer and teacher conferences Publishing Forms of Writing Narrative Poetry Persuasion Problem solving Expository/informational (research reports) Workplace readiness (business letters)
Writer’s Workshop - continued Handwriting Cursive instruction is incorporated throughout the curriculum as review of letter shape and formation. Students may choose to write in print or cursive on assessments where knowledge of content is the main objective. Spelling Word Study – Words Their Way Mixed in with spelling practice is other word skills such as synonyms/antonyms, etc. When we don’t have spelling homework, we usually have vocabulary or other reading practice or writing work.
Mathematics Everyday Mathematics Hands on math Use of manipulatives Abstract reasoning and real-world problem-solving Spiral curriculum Work towards mastery of basic facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) Read and write mathematics – students explain how they solved a problem both orally and in writing Study Links – Monday-Thursday (in Study Links workbook.) Optional challenge activities are included in the packet. Math Boxes – Classwork, but if not finished need to be finished at home. Answer packet Diana Koeckert is the Instructional Support teacher who works in our room 4 days a week.
Social Studies New Program this year Textbook - “New Jersey” by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publisher Students will learn about New Jersey today; geographically, economically, politically and culturally. They will study New Jersey’s history; including its path to statehood, its role in the New Jersey Revolution and other important events in American history. As they study New Jersey during the Revolutionary War, they will expand their study of New Jersey to a broader study of Colonial America.
Science Units – Science Kits Motion and Design Earth Materials Magnetism and Electricity Incorporates discovery learning (using the scientific method) Encourages cooperation during experiments I-Search Project – Exploration of an Ocean Topic
Enrichment Challenge Center Challenges in packets Monthly challenge packets I-Search project
Grading Test will be announced ahead of time and study guides will be provided. Quizzes may be unannounced. Classwork and very occasional homework may be graded.
Lunch Money Nutrikids – online account School prefers you to open an account instead of sending in cash – students won’t have to wait so long Directions: Go to Cedar Hill web site Go to Parents on the side bar Go to Lunch Information Go to Cafeteria Point of Sale Information At that point there is detailed information on how to open and refill and account.
Home/School Connection Teacher and parent partnerships are very important to me and to the success of your child. Please let me know of any concerns or questions you may have. Weekly Folder – an important link between home and school. Ways to contact me: Notes to school Email: (best way!) ksedorak@bernardsboe.com (I check email several times a day) Voicemail – 908-604-2633 Mrs. Sedorak -extension 323 I check my voicemail once a day, usually in the morning.
We will not bully others. about bullying We will not bully others. We will try to help students who are bullied. We will try to include students who are left out. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home. We will make our school a safe, secure, and supportive learning environment.
Classroom-Level Components Post and enforce school-wide rules against bullying. 2. Hold regular class meetings. 3. Hold meetings with students’ parents.
Take-Home Message Stopping bullying takes a team effort. Approach the process in steps. Change happens in small increments.