Twenty Questions Subject: Chapter 12
Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. What is the highest body of laws in Ga’s congress? Georgia’s constitution
2. What is the separation of all branches? Seperation of Powers
3. What system doesn’t let one branch gain too much power? Checks and Balances
4. What is the first article of Georgia’s constitution? The Bill of Rights
5. When Georgia’s constitution is changed it is called? Amendment
6. What is Georgia’s legislative branch called? General Assembly
7. What two houses make up the general assembly? House of representatives and senate.
8. How long do is one term in legislature? Two years.
9. What qualifications do you need to meet to serve in general assembly? 21 in the house. 25 in senate Be a us citizen of Georgia for at least two years. Not hold any civil appointment or office. Not be on active duty as part of the army. Be a legal resident of the house or senate district they wish to represent.
10. What is a bill? A proposed law.
11. What process must a bill go through to become a law? The legislative process.
12. What is the second step in the legislative process? The bill goes to the committee.
13. What is it called when a bill is rejected? Veto
14. If two thirds of each house votes in favor of the bill what happens? The general assembly overrides the veto.
15. Who is the head of the house of representatives? Speaker of the house.
16. Who presides over the senate? Lieutenant Governor
17. Who replaces the speaker of the house? Speaker Pro Tempore
18. What are personal income taxes? What people pay depending on the money they make or recieve.
19. What does most of the state revenue come from? Taxes
20. What is a state budget? How much revenue the state expects to have, what it plans to send, and what services the state needs.