Welcome to Ms. Hall’s Class! PES Welcome to Ms. Hall’s Class!
Bell Time! School Bell rings at 8:48 in the morning. Tardy students MUST check in at the office. Dismissal Begins at 3:44 in the afternoon.
Send in an Excuse! Please read the STPSB Handbook for more info on attendance policy. Upon returning to school, students must bring a written excuse for absence by the 2nd day of their return. If absence is unexcused, students can receive a ZERO for all work. Absence excuses can not be sent via email.
Weekly Newsletter Includes: Tentative topics/chapters we plan to cover. Homework Important Reminders **Can also be found online
Homework Homework is listed on the newsletter (usually) Math homework is sent home as we complete a lesson Complete homework and return the next day Check newsletter for Book Sharing Project due dates
Assignments We cover A LOT of material each day. Go over and complete any work in which your child is struggling. Did You receive an “Uh-Oh” Note
Science and Social Studies Alternated through the grading period Concepts reinforced in Science Lab (Tuesday)
Language and Writing Complete sentences must be written in all subject areas (Practice) We are using Mentor Sentences to strengthen our grammar skills Rubrics will be attached to writing assignments
Reading Reading tests will not always be given weekly. Phonics and skills tests may be given weekly Module tests will include multiple choice questions from an unfamiliar passage based on skills taught. Students will read the passage. Module tests will also have a written response question focusing on the Module story Vocabulary is an important aspect in reading comprehension. We will focus on using words in context, not necessarily the meanings of the words
Math Practice basic addition and subtraction facts Practice counting money and making change and telling time in daily activities Check out these sites for math help: www.zearn.com www.greatminds.org www.EMBARC.com
Student of the Week Student of the Month Students receiving Student of the Week will be picked on Fridays. They will be given a “project” to complete and return the following Monday. The student will present the project to the class. Then the project will be displayed on the door until replaced with a new Student of the Week.
Birthdays and Parties Winter Party and Spring Party If you would like to send a treat for your child’s birthday, please send me a note/email a few days in advance. Cupcakes or cookies are preferred If you’d like to send a cake (King Cake), please cut prior to sending to school.
Behavior System Rewards Green-Ready to Learn Yellow-Think About It- Good Day – 1st Warning Orange-Teacher Choice – 2nd Warning Red – Parent Contact-3rd Warning * After Parent Contact, if behavior continues, student may be sent to the office and may receive a behavior referral form. Rewards Treasure Chest , Stickers, Eagle Bucks, Happy Notes , Praise, Treats, and Free Time
What’s for Lunch? Lunch Time: 12:00-12:20
Keep in touch! If you ever have a concern, please send me a note or an email. We can set up a conference. (Usually before school 8:15-8:45) If you prefer a phone conference, I can call you during my planning period. I am not allowed to discuss students via email. Transportation changes can not be sent via email; must be written Send me an email: stacy.hall@stpsb.org
Get Involved There are many ways that you can help. Room Helper (Party Planner) Copy Helper Class Sitter send in extra supplies donate toys for treasure chest. send in box tops
Thanks for attending OPEN HOUSE! Go Eagles PES