[Draft Document Naming Convention] [Jeong, Sangkwon Peter / JoyFun] [Seo, Dong-Il Dillon / VoleRCreative]
Compliance with IEEE Standards Policies and Procedures Subclause 5.2.1 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws states, "While participating in IEEE standards develop ment activities, all participants...shall act in accordance with all applicable laws (nation-based and internation al), the IEEE Code of Ethics, and with IEEE Standards policies and procedures." The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution is subject to The IEEE Standards copyright policy as stated in the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws, section 7, http://standards. ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sect6-7.html#7, and the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, section 6. 1, http://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/opman/sect6.html The IEEE Standards patent policy as stated in the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws, section 6, http://standards.iee e.org/guides/bylaws/sect6-7.html#6, and the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, section 6.3, http://sta ndards.ieee.org/develop/policies/opman/sect6.html 3079-19-0004-01-0000-Draft Document Naming Convention
Draft Document Naming Convention IEEE 3079 HMD Based 3D Content Motion Sickness Reducing Technology Dongil Dillon Seo, dillon@volercreative Draft Document Naming Convention Date: 2019-01-29 Author(s): Name Affiliation Phone [optional] Email [optional] Jeong, Sangkwon Peter JoyFun +82 10 8667 7329 ceo@joyfun.kr Seo, Dongil Dillon VoleR Creative +82 10 3135 3194 dillon@volercreative.com 3079-19-0004-01-0000-Draft Document Naming Convention
Draft Document Naming Convention Personal ID IEEE-P3079-D##-STD-R## Lee, Beom Ryeol LBR STD Seo, Dong Il SDI Kim, Hyun Taek KHT Yoo, Kwan Hee YKH Oh, Min Seok MSO Kim, Nam Gi NGK Kang, Suk Ju SJK Son, Wook Ho SWH Jeong, Sang Kwon SKJ Lee, Gook Hwan GHL Oh, Seok Hee OSH IEEE-P3079-D##-PID-R## 3079-19-0004-01-0000-Draft Document Naming Convention
Figure Number Naming Convention Every figure must have a caption and must be written under the figure Must be used for figures as shown below: Figure Chapter#-Fig. # Title 3079-19-0004-01-0000-Draft Document Naming Convention
Table Number Naming Convention Every table must have a caption and must be written above the table Must be used for tables as shown below: Chapter#-Table. # Title 3079-19-0004-01-0000-Draft Document Naming Convention
Editing Rule Add: Blue colored font with under bar Delete: Red colored font with strike-through 3079-19-0004-01-0000-Draft Document Naming Convention