THIS IS MY PRAYER Text: Philippians 1:9-11
INTRODUCTION Acts 16:11-15; Acts 16:16-34
I. LOVE MAY ABOUND IN KNOWLEDGE AND DEPTH OF INSIGHT (Philippians 1:9) A. Selfishness - Philippians 2:3 B. Disunity - Philippians 2:14; Philippians 4:2 C. Love - I John 2:7; 3:11 1. "Epithumia" - means a strong desire of any kind, sometimes bad 2. "Eros" - means romantic, passionate, sentimental. 3. "Storge" - this is the love shared by parents and children.
I. LOVE MAY ABOUND IN KNOWLEDGE AND DEPTH OF INSIGHT (Philippians 1:9) A. Selfishness - Philippians 2:3 B. Disunity - Philippians 2:14; Philippians 4:2 C. Love - I John 2:7; 3:11 1. "Epithumia" - means a strong desire of any kind, sometimes bad 2. "Eros" - means romantic, passionate, sentimental. 3. "Storge" - this is the love shared by parents and children. 4. "Phileo" - cherishes and has tender affection but always expects a response. 5. "Agape" - is exercised as a choice of our will with no dependence upon our feelings.
II. DISCERNMENT TO KEEP THEM PURE AND BLAMELESS (Philippians 1:10) The word "pure" or "sincere" means "unmixed" or "without alloy." Colossians 3:5-8; Ephesians 5:4; Galatians 5:19-21; I Timothy 6:4-5;
II. DISCERNMENT TO KEEP THEM PURE AND BLAMELESS (Philippians 1:10) The word "pure" or "sincere" means "unmixed" or "without alloy." II Timothy 2:22; II Corinthians 6:18; Revelation 18:4,5; Isaiah 52:11
II. DISCERNMENT TO KEEP THEM PURE AND BLAMELESS (Philippians 1:10) The word "separate" means "to set off by boundary; to exclude, divide or sever."
III. FILLED WITH THE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Philippians 1:11) The word "righteousness" comes from the root word "righteous" which means "conforming to the laws of God and man and living in accordance with them."
III. FILLED WITH THE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Philippians 1:11) "He (God) put on righteousness as a breastplate." Isaiah 59:17