FFAT‐containing proteins recruit the ER‐resident MOSPD2 protein to interorganelle contact sites FFAT‐containing proteins recruit the ER‐resident MOSPD2 protein to interorganelle contact sites AGFP‐MOSPD2 (green)‐expressing cells were stained with an anti‐Lamp1 antibody (red) to label late endosomes/lysosomes.B–F GFP‐MOSPD2 (green)‐expressing cells were transfected with Flag‐STARD3NL (B), Flag‐STARD3 (C), Flag‐ORP1L (D), Flag‐STARD11 (E), or HA‐PTPIP51 (F), and labeled using anti‐Flag (B–E; magenta), anti‐HA (F: magenta), and anti‐Lamp1 (B–D; red), GM130 (E; red), or OPA‐1 (F; red) as markers of late endosomes/lysosomes, Golgi, and mitochondria, respectively.Data information: The subpanels on the right are higher magnification (3.5×) images of the area outlined in white. The Overlay panel shows merged green and magenta images. Scale bars: 10 μm. Thomas Di Mattia et al. EMBO Rep. 2018;19:e45453 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend