Inequality By: Justice McDonald
The education of black females is important.
Jim crow laws were the segregation of the colored and white races.
Blacks were treated unequal.
Saying the wrong thing to a white person could lead to violence.
“Mayor look at Sophia, push his wife out the way, stuck his chest “Mayor look at Sophia, push his wife out the way, stuck his chest. Girl, what you say to Ms. Millie”.
Inequality can make you feel unwanted.
“You got the ugliest smile this side of creation”
Having someone who cares for you can help with the negative aspects of life.
Through friendship love was found.
A sisterly bond that was unbreakable.
“You better not tell no one but God”.
Alice Walker clarified the struggle of black women in the 1900s Alice Walker clarified the struggle of black women in the 1900s. She explained the obstacles they went through and how faith was the only thing that got them through.
“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple and didn’t notice it”.
Alice Walker’s works… “Meridian” “Everyday use” The Color purple