111 Public Members Network


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Presentation transcript:

111 Public Members Network 30 November 2018

Object and Purpose The aim of this network is to provide the public voice to inform and support the new NHS 111 – Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) for Sussex

Agenda ITEM SUBJECT 1. Welcome and purpose of the meeting 2. Any other business for the agenda Any declaration of interest Action Log 2. 111 Procurement Update Procurement approach and next steps 3. NHS England Update Transformation from 111 to Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) Examples of where it is working well in England 4. Winter Update 5. Break Tea/Coffee/Networking 6. Listen to 111 Calls 7. Feedback on GP Improved Access Questionnaires How is it working in your area

Any other business? Any declarations of interest? Action Log Updates

111 Procurement Update Colin Simmons, Programme Director Procurement Approach Next Steps The decision to stop the procurement was not taken lightly. It provides an opportunity to revisit the specification. The 111 team will be attending the Finance Committees for the seven Sussex CCGs during September. Learning from other pan-Sussex procurements we wanted to ensure that patients receive safe, seamless, and high quality service. The new Sussex NHS 111 CAS is the foundation to change Urgent Care for our local population and it is vital we get it right - we need to ensure we deliver a high quality and clinically safe service. We were not alone in stopping our procurement, we are in regular contact with NHS England who agrees and supports us in the decision to stop.

of Integrated Urgent Care The nine key outcomes of Integrated Urgent Care 1. A single call to get an appointment during the out-of-hours period. 2. Data and Information can be shared between providers. 3. The capacity for NHS 111 and urgent multidisciplinary clinical services need to be jointly planned. 4. The Summary Care Record (SCR) is available in the Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) and elsewhere. 5. Care plans and special patient notes are visible to the Clinicians in the IUC and in any downstream location of care. 6. Appointments can be made to in-hours and extend access primary care services - offering services in the evening and at weekends. 7. There is joint governance across Urgent and Emergency Care. 8. Suitable calls are transferred to a Clinical Assessment Service containing GPs and other health care and social care professionals. “The national Integrated Urgent Care specification stipulates that all CCGs are required to commission a service that delivers against the nine key elements of the Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) service. The nine elements are stated above on the slide”. 9. The Workforce Blueprint products and guidance are implemented across all providers.

NHS England Update Keith Hardy, Deputy Urgent and Emergency Care Transformation and Operations Director for the South East (NHS England) Transformation from 111 to Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) Examples of where it is working well in England

Winter communications Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Winter communications

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership What we did last year Successful communications campaign across the whole STP All partners involved (CCGs, providers, local authorities) Took a proactive and reactive approach Proactive Used local brand Media stories, paid-for advertising, marketing Reactive System-wide media lines and spokespeople Weekly system calls

Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership What we learnt Too many messages to too many people – not targeted enough Paid for advertising was effective – limited budget reduced effectiveness Flu campaign was successful early on (Oct – Nov) but then tailed off as other winter messages became the focus Key pinch points and periods of high demand were not identified beforehand – difficult to adapt campaign to meet need (e.g. repeat prescriptions over Christmas) Variable participation from partners (provider) and some did their own campaign

What we are doing differently Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership What we are doing differently Changing our proactive approach Aligned with national campaign Separating flu from winter to give it specific focus More targeted – identifying specific demographics and places More aligned to operational pressures Changing the delivery mechanism Central co-ordination for flu and winter STP communications and operational delivery group responsible for delivery at local level We are taking the same reactive approach

National campaign New single unifying campaign brand Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership National campaign New single unifying campaign brand Focus on reciprocal relationship between public and NHS Focus on promotion of 111 and pharmacy

Campaign Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Campaign

Questions Sussex & East Surrey Sustainability & Transformation Partnership Questions

Please help yourself to tea and coffee Break Please help yourself to tea and coffee

Listen to 111 Calls

Feedback on GP Improved Access Questionnaires

Meeting Dates Time: 01 March 2019 10.30 to 13.30 Future Dates TBC Venue: Hendy Lounge American Express Community Stadium Falmer BN1 9BL 01 March 2019 Future Dates TBC

You can contact the team on: sussex.111transformation@nhs.net 111 Transformation Team You can contact the team on: sussex.111transformation@nhs.net