Connecting Africa to leverage ICT for Economic Development Presentation by Wally Beelders Managing Executive: ISMS
ICT for Economic Development Connecting Africa Telecommunication is today recognised as one of the most important drivers for growth in the economy It is an issue that demands priority attention to successfully leverage ICT for Economic Development in Africa
Leveraging ICT Critical Success Factors: Capacity / Connectivity - Bandwidth in the national and international telecoms network Affordable access Access to computers and Computer literacy Flexible and competitive pricing Relationships and partnerships Quality
It is a question of African Connectivity Prime Drivers To do business, any business, Africa must be able to communicate with Africa Africa must be able to communicate with the world Africa must bridge the digital devide Network Integration It is a question of African Connectivity
What drives African Connectivity? SAT-3/WASC/SAFE Submarine cable Satellite Systems SADC Initiatives IP Initiatives Regional Support Initiatives Access - broadband Industry / Operator collaboration Funding
OPERATOR INITIATIVES Fixed line market Mobile market ISP business Data market Hubbing opportunities Fixed / Mobile convergence
SAT-3/WASC/SAFE Landing Points 1. Portugal 2. Alta Vista (Spain) 3. Senegal 4. Côte d'Ivoire * 5. Ghana * 6. Benin 7. Nigeria 8. Cameroon 9. Gabon 10. Angola 11. Melkbosstrand 12. Mtunzini 13. Reunion 14. Mauritius 15. India 16. Malaysia 1 2 3 15 6 4 5 7 16 8 9 SAT-3/WASC 10 SAFE 14 13 SAT-2 11 12 * : Regeneration station
Telkom Support Initiatives Zimbabwe Microwave Systems Lesotho Training and Procurement Swaziland Training and VoIP Botswana Pre-paidfone capacity Namibia Technical Processes
African VOIP Intiatives Telkom has implemented VOIP on its International network connecting with various US, European and African carriers Operational: Madagascar, Swaziland, Zanzibar In Progress: Kenya, Nigeria, DRC Telkom has signed an agreement with Clarent to provide an international clearing hub in South Africa to provide cost effective international traffic channels to and from the African Continent
Major boost for international and connectivity ZIMBABWE ATM LINK Telkom and Zimbabwe PTC have installed a digital microwave link between Gweru and the Zimbabwan/South African border Bi-Lateral funding arrangements with payback built into traffic charges between Zimbabwe PTC and Telkom Major boost for international and connectivity
Lesotho Digital Cross Connect Telkom has provided a digital cross connect system to Lesotho to promote international connectivity for the mountain Kingdom Co-operative agreement provides for the financing of the project
Annual Regional Telecommunication Conference Integration of African Telecommunication Networks Harmonisation of tariffs Collection and analysis of traffic data Review, implementation and planning for the region Coordination of ITU position of African Countries
Regional Development Groups Southern African Telecommunications Association COMESA – Countries of the Middle East and Southern Africa Comtel ITU Training in SADC Region
Development of the ICT sector in African is one of the major challenges and a prerequisite for successful implementation of NEPAD