Lamiaceae (Labiatae) The Mint Family.


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Presentation transcript:

Lamiaceae (Labiatae) The Mint Family

Lamiaceae Ca5 Coz5 A2+2 G2 180 genera/3500 species Distribution worldwide; center of distribution is the Mediterranean region

Herbs w/ opposite leaves, square stems Flowers bilabiate

Androecium of 4 didynamous stamens, Ovary G2, deeply 4-lobed Androecium of 4 didynamous stamens, fused to the corolla

Style gynobasic

Recognition Characters Herbs with square stems Leaves opposite Minty odor (sometimes) Flowers zygomorphic, often bilabiate Ovary 4-lobed; style gynobasic Fruit = nutlet (4)

Economic Importance: Many important culinary herbs such as basil, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme Perfumes: patchouli and lavender

Physostegia virginiana Local flora Scutellaria gallericulata skullcap Stachys palustris Marsh hedge nettle Physostegia virginiana obedience

Galeopsis tetrahit, Hemp nettle Satureja vulgaris, Wild basil