QUESTIONS What time is it? It’s evening. Better. The evening “invades” the avenue. The author speaks of light. It’s sunset, the end of the day. How are the curtains? They are dusty. How many people are there in the street? Few people. What feeling does the author want to convey? An image of sadness. We can speak of symbolism.
QUESTIONS Now she was going to leave her home. Home! = STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS. We get inside her feelings. As if the NARRATOR were Eveline. Many writers of the 19th century focused their attention on the character's thoughts. As a consequence in this period writers as J. Joyce or G. Verga used the narrative tecnique of "stream of consciuosness". Character's thoughts are reported in the illogical disorder of the mind and the narrator inserts them in the text without the verb "to say" or "to think". What kind of narrator does Joyce use? The narrator is the third person.
QUESTIONS Who are the characters? What are their characteristics?
QUESTIONS Characters: Eveline: 19 Father: violent, physically & verbally abusive, bad on Saturday night Why?: he drinks a lot His personality: Miserly, Selfish: he doesn’t want to lose the daughter who looks after the house and the other children, He beats her mother and her brothers She’d escaped only b/c she was a girl Now – no protection
QUESTIONS Ernest: brother, dead Harry: brother, away, often in country, in church decorating business Mother: treated without respect, abused