Finnish Schools on the Move


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Presentation transcript:

Finnish Schools on the Move

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Background Governmental resolution on policies promoting sport and physical activity (December 2008) Governmental policy review (February 2009) Aims Implementing the recommendations for physical activity in all elementary schools in Finland: 7-18 years old should be physically active 1-2 h daily; the activities should offer variety and be appropriate for the age Sitting periods longer than 2 h should be avoided Maximum 2 h screen time daily

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Project execution in cooperation with: Ministry of Culture and Education, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and Defence Administration. Financing from the proceeds of the national pools and lottery. Other major partners: Finnish National Board of Education, LIKES – Research Center, University of Jyväskylä, and many civic organisations. Preparatory working group: 01.09.2009 – 31.01.2010 Steering committee: 01.06.2010 – 30.12.2012

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Already existing and new action models for making the school day physically more active will be coordinated Adding more physical activity within and around school days; e.g. on the way to school, during breaks, and through implementing physical activity into different school subjects A two-year pilot project with selected pilot proposals was launched in September 2010

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Pilot projects Elementary schools, grades 1-9 pupils (7-15 years old) 21 pilot project ideas including about 40 schools all over Finland received in total 442.000 € project funding for the school year 2010-2011 (58 applicants) Selection criteria especially versatility, geographical location, size, and type of school and student element

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Project objectives I Making the school day physically more active and motivating the children towards physically active lifestyle II Gathering basic information on children’s physical activity behaviour and physical capacity III Developing the physical activity promotion know-how in school environment and in physical activity administration

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Project working methods Supporting mentor network for assessing the starting situation, making the plans, and executing the actions Continuous further education for teachers Continuous dissemination of new best practices New innovations Use of technology and social media for promoting physical activity Continuous research, follow-up, and evaluation

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Research, follow-up and evaluation LIKES Research Center: research and follow-up • University of Jyväskylä: theses • Other partners: theses Goals Widening the knowledge base of the physical activity of children and youth. Documenting the pilot actions, describing the initial state, evaluating the project, and following up the results. Questions to be answered Do the students meet the physical activity recommendations? Does the project affect the physical activity levels and the culture at school? Does the project affect the students well-being at school?

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 General description of the follow-up 1. Overall follow-up of the project Documenting the overall project and the project phases Interviews Summary to be used for external evaluation

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 General description of the follow-up 2. Follow-up of the pilot projects 2.1 Broad follow-up, all 21 pilot projects ─ school level Coordinators • Other people in charge 2.2 Expanded follow-up, 8 pilot projects ─ school level Student questionnaires • Interviews • Observation 2.3 Specific follow-up, 4 pilot projects ─ individual level Student and parent questionnaires • Physical activity measurements • Interviews • Observation

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Expanded and specific follow-up, questionnaires

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Expanded and specific follow-up, Webropol questionnaires

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Specific follow-up, questionnaires and measurements anthropometry information and approvals questionnaires physical activity sensors

Finnish Schools on the Move 2010 - 2012 Specific follow-up, activity sensors and activity diary 7 days poster in the classroom

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