Fusion for Energy & ITER Contribution to EU Added Value


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Presentation transcript:

Fusion for Energy & ITER Contribution to EU Added Value Johannes P. Schwemmer Director, F4E Massimo Garribba Director, European Commission 21 January 2019

Why Fusion? Clean baseload energy complementing renewables is needed Abundant Sustainable Safe Fuels are plentiful and available all over the world No greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions No long-lived radioactive waste Reactors can not run out of control J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

Fusion is about bringing the power of the Sun to Earth Fusion is the process that powers the sun and other stars When light atoms fuse at very high temperatures, they release enormous amounts of energy Fusion on earth needs temperatures of 100-150 million °C Many experiments in Europe and the rest of the world J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

ITER research reactor is a major milestone to fusion power ITER will create “burning” plasmas under conditions close to those in future reactors for scientists to study J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

Pooling resources from around the world Seven global parties are building ITER through in-kind contributions Pooling resources from around the world J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

ITER – one of the largest high tech projects in modern history 23.000 tons The ITER Machine will be 3 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower 10 million components ITER: 107 Airbus 380: 106 400.000 tons Tokamak Complex will support the same weight as the Empire State Building Let’s remind ourselves of the scale and ambition of this project J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

Fusion for Energy is the European Domestic Agency for ITER Fusion for Energy or “F4E” is the European Union agency for ITER F4E is a public organisation set up in 2007 for 35 years Headquarters: Barcelona, Spain Offices: Cadarache, France Garching, Germany Rokkasho, Japan Members of staff: 460 (mostly engineers) Budget: €6600 million 2007-2020 for the construction of ITER, € 5111 million (2021 to 2027 in € of 2008 – next MFF) J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

F4E is developing fusion through four main projects F4E is responsible for Europe’s contribution to ITER, the world’s largest scientific energy project ITER: Burning Plasma F4E is working with Japan on fusion projects known as the Broader Approach BROADER APPROACH F4E is responsible for the design & future construction of the DEMO Orientated Neutron Source DONES: Materials Testing F4E will prepare a programme to build a power-generating Demonstration Fusion Reactor DEMO: Continuous Power J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

ITER site is now a construction site buzzing with activity in 2 ITER site is now a construction site buzzing with activity in 2.5 shifts… Oct 2018 2015 July 2018 July 2017 Oct 2016 2016 2014 2011 2013 Jan 2018 April 2018 March 2017 J. P. Schwemmer, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

Delivering EU contributions to the Fusion roadmap DEMONSTRATION FUSION REACTORS Short Term Medium Term Long Term IFMIF - DONES ITER JT-60SA IFERC IFMIF-EVEDA BROADER APPROACH Massimo Garribba, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

EU progression towards fusion power ITER is the key facility in the European Research Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy In 2016 a new baseline was adopted setting First Plasma date at 2025 (start of operations) Construction up to First Plasma is on schedule and 60% complete EU has completed 36% of its total contribution to the project Lessons learnt from ITER’s construction and operation will enable the design of a demonstration reactor 11 Massimo Garribba, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

Positive economic impact of ITER Compared to no spending, over the period 2008-2017, ITER has produced: almost EUR 4,8 billion in Gross Value Added almost 34 000 job years F4E has awarded over 900 contracts and grants worth EUR 4,5 billion in 24 Countries EU companies report that working on ITER offers new business opportunities and increases their competitiveness and growth, allowing them to hire staff 12 Massimo Garribba, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

Spin-off effects of ITER participation Working on ITER leads to innovation and creation of “spin-off” technologies with applications in various sectors such as health (magnetic resonance scanners), aerospace (fabrication of the cockpit of Airbus airplanes), engineering, IT... Participation in ITER creates a knowledge base in EU high-tech industry – EU Companies will then be well- prepared to design and construct future power plants Over 2018-2030, ITER spending may generate through spin-offs 10 900 jobs and EUR 2 248 million in GVA, compared to no spending Photo copyright Airbus 2018 – photo by A. TCHAIKOVSKI/master films 13 Massimo Garribba, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

F4E has awarded >€4 billion in Contracts to EU Industry and Research Organisations Number of Contracts Value € million cumulative Almost €5 billion through >700 contracts (2008-2017) Value of Contracts, € Number of contracts signed ~450 contractors and >1000 sub-contractors in 24 countries Massimo Garribba, CONT Hearing on European Added Value, 21 January 2019

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