Write the vocabulary words in your personal dictionary. Unit 1 Lesson 1 Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Make the sentence corrections in red. Write the vocabulary words in your personal dictionary. PowerEd Plans 2014
Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Unit 1-1 Sentence Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express finally me and my friends was leaving an monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever Sentence Identification – Compound, Complex, Simple, Compound/Complex Type of Sentence(s) – Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory PowerEd Plans 2014
Subjective/Verb Agreement Subjective/Objective Pronouns Unit 1-1 Corrections Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express New Paragraph ¶Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. Simple Declarative Subjective/Verb Agreement Interjection Subjective/Objective Pronouns Article Capitalization End Punctuation PowerEd Plans 2014
Unit 1-1 Paragraph Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Paragraph Begin a new paragraph when starting a new topic.. Indent the first line of the new paragraph. ¶Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Unit 1-1 Capitalization Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Capitalization Writing a word with its first letter as a capital letter (upper-case letter) and the remaining letters in lower case. The first word of every sentence. Capitalize the word “I” when referring to oneself in the first person. Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Unit 1-1 Interjection Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Interjections Interjections are usually found at the beginning of the sentence to get someone’s attention (Hey! Watch out!) or to give time to think. They are followed by a comma or an exclamation mark. Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Subject/Object Pronouns Unit 1-1 Subject/Object Pronouns Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Subject vs. Object Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Subject pronouns take the place of a subject. The subject pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, they, we. Object pronouns take the place of an object. The object pronouns are: me, you, him, her, it, them, us. Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Subject/Verb Agreement Unit 1-1 Subject/Verb Agreement Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Subject/Verb Agreement The subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both must be (plural). Finally! My (friends and I) (were) leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Unit 1-1 Articles Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Articles: “A” versus “An” “A” goes before words that begin with consonants: a cat a dog a purple onion a buffalo “An” goes before words that begin with vowels: an apricot an egg an orbit an uprising Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Simple Sentence Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Unit 1-1 Simple Sentence Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Simple Sentence A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Declarative Sentence Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Unit 1-1 Declarative Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express Declarative Sentence A sentence in the form of a statement. In a declarative sentence, the subject normally precedes the verb. A declarative sentence ends with a period. Finally! My friends and I were leaving a monotonous elementary school and going to the best middle school ever. PowerEd Plans 2014
Unit 1-1 Vocabulary Grammar on the Go! PowerEd Express monotonous Adjective dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest PowerEd Plans 2014