Flanders Department of Foreign Affairs “Promoting and supporting the SDG’s in Flanders and abroad” OECD Multi-stakeholder Workshop – A territorial approach to the SDG’s, 27/11/2018, Brussels
Policy-framework Belgian Constitution art. 7bis : “While exercising their respective competencies the Federal State, Communities and Regions will strive to realize the objectives of Sustainable Development in its social, economic and ecological dimension, taking into account the [imperative of] intergenerational solidarity.“ Flanders has constitutional autonomy in the different policy domains, as well as the power to regulate international co-operation (art. 167, §1) - in foro interno, in foro externo - (art. 167, §3) legal obligation for coordination on the international position of Belgium Flanders Department of Foreign Affairs Budget for Development Cooperation (2018 : € 24.7 million) Coördination international relations Treaties, MoU, CSP’s, PA’s,… …
In 2013 Flanders pleaded for a new International Agenda for Sustainable Development including : a stronger involvement of subnational governments (LRA’s) and other actors; intergovernmental platforms for decision making; an the debate on financing for sustainable development (Addis Abbaba Action Agenda on Financing for Development). In 2015 the Government of Flanders re-emphasized this plea and added the importance of the use of a comprehensive rights-based-approach and a systematic promotion of gender and empowerment of women and girls. “A new Vision on Flemish Development Cooperation” : FDFA, April 2016 (Societal) innovation Systemic change Multisectoral and multi-actor oriented
The external implementation of the 2030 SDG’s by Flanders aspires a role that goes beyond the traditional ODA-delivery Flanders Department of Foreign Affairs engagements in the global SDG-process through… a) Inputs for the Intrafederal coordination (COORMULTI) are collected by the Flanders Department of Foreign Affairs… b) Rotating Presidency (of Flanders) of the Technical working group serving the Interministerial Conference on Sustainable Development… c) the European common (DGE) position for UN-organizations Ex. The EU response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (20/06/2017) inclusion of LRA’s (§ 17 & 35) Identified as a priority dossier for follow-up by the Flemish Government Belgium assumed membership with direct representation by Flanders in meetings d) an active presence at multilateral fora : Networks for subnational authorities (NRG4SD), The Local Authorities Major Group of UNDESA, High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (current co-chair = Flanders)
Two recent initiatives : e) direct representation by the General Representative of the Government of Flanders to the Multilateral Organizations in Paris (OECD); Two recent initiatives : Flanders case-study in OESO-publication “Reschaping Decentralised Development Co-operation, The Key Role of Cities and Regions for the 2030 Agenda” 2. Collaboration-agreement between the OECD, the Government of Flanders and the Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities (in progress) “A territorial approach to the SDG’s” h) the Development Cooperation program (DE) of the FDFA “One of the key elements of success of Flanders’ DDC model is the long term focus on few specific sectors and countries.” “The MDGs and currently the SDGs have had an important effect on Flanders as a regional authority, but also on provinces, cities and municipalities in Flanders.”
ODA (official development aid with a grant element of at least 25 %) Geographic & Sectorial concentration LNOB (inclusiveness) Subsidiarity (involvement of LRA’s)
support to agriculture & food-security, FAO, ASWAp-SP, … Malawi 2006 – 2017 support to agriculture & food-security, FAO, ASWAp-SP, … various projects in the districts of Kasungu and Mzimba (Malawi) . Best practice: “Strengthening district/local level by providing technical support to the agriculture staff
CSP III: health is the only focal sector Mozambique 2002 – 2020 CSP III: health is the only focal sector -> SWAp = foundation; -> HRH = mortar; -> SRHR = added value; -> Inclusiveness focussing on adolescents; -> Tete-Province for continued decentralized support Best practice: “promoting patient adherence to ARV-treatment through the so-called self-forming patient groups”
Convenants 2005 – 2017
More information on the FDFA. https://www. fdfa More information on the FDFA ? On DDC in Flanders ? DDC study OECD E-mail: