Chapter 1, lessons 1-3 Review questions Why do we take notes in Cornell note format? Easy to study. You can cover notes and answer the questions Where do the questions go in Cornell note format? on the left hand side of the line What do you need in your heading on each notebook page? Date List 5 lab safety rules. 1. waft 2. tie hair back 3. no open toed shoes 4. no food or drink 5. no mixing chemicals How is observing different than inferring? Observation is using your senses, inferring is using prior information to explain your observation What is Science? A method of learning about the natural world What is dependent variable and independent variable and be able to locate them in examples. Independent is what you change, dependent is what you are measuring. List four of the skills scientists use and explain them. Observe, infer, predict, classify, evaluate, and make models Explain the three types of bias. Personal, Cultural, and Experimental What does it mean to be skeptical and how does that help scientists? Having an attitude of doubt. Explain inductive and deductive reasoning. Inductive, specific idea to large idea… deductive, large idea to specific idea Why do scientists use the metric system? Compare and communicate data with other scientists What are the SI units for Temperature (Kelvins), Time (Seconds), and Density (KG per Cubic liter) Explain Density (How compressed molecules are, or how much mass in a given volume)
Why do we take notes in Cornell note format? Where do the questions go in Cornell note format? What do you need in your heading on each notebook page? List 5 lab safety rules. How is observing different than inferring? What is Science? What is dependent variable and independent variable and be able to locate them in examples. List four of the skills scientists use and explain them. Explain the three types of bias. What does it mean to be skeptical and how does that help scientists? Explain inductive and deductive reasoning Why do scientists use the metric system? What are the SI units for Temperature, Time, and Density Explain Density What is the basis for the metric system?