Population #3
Agenda Do Now (10 mins) Country Profile/ GNI-PPP Per Capita (20 mins) Review Four Stages of Development (5 mins) Population Composition (5 mins) Population Pyramids (15 mins) Population Pyramid Mini Project (30 mins) Exit Ticket (
Human Geog 2.1: Analyze geographical population in terms of its composition: age, sex, income, education, and ethnicity SWBAT to understand and analyze population pyramids through creating a presentation comparing three different countries’ population composition.
- Population Packets #1 and #2 Do Now: 10 mins Materials needed: - Population Packets #1 and #2 - World Population Data Sheet open. (go to my class website) Answer these two questions: 1.Why is the world's population so big? (think about last class) 2. Does the age of a country’s population matter for its growth? Why? How?
Binder Check Happening on Monday/Tuesday next week. Announcements: Binder Check Happening on Monday/Tuesday next week. You need to add: Population Packets #1-#3. Quiz on Monday/Tuesday on everything we have covered so far in our population unit. Today’s packet will be graded. Get ‘er done.
Country Profile/ Finish Packet from yesterday. If you have not completed your country profile, please do that now. Use Population Packet #1 and the World Factbook Data Sheet. If you have completed the country profile, complete the GNI PPP Per Capita page on Population #2 using the world population data sheet and answer the analysis questions. You have 20 mins to finish.
Gross National Income PPP Per Capita Simply put, this is the amount of money a country makes divided between its total population. It shows the average income of people in a particular country.
Population Composition: Tells us the number of men and women and their ages within a population.
Why does population composition matter?
Population Pyramids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLmKfXwWQtE
Why does population composition matter?
Draw a picture of a population pyramid that represents each type of growth. Rapid Growth: Slow Growth: Negative Growth:
What are the consequences?
Population Pyramid Mini Project: Directions on Website. Three pyramids: your country profile pop. pyramid and two other countries that represent the remaining pop. pyramid types (rapid, slow, negative). Go to populationpyramid.net to find pyramids. Use list of countries on my website to help you find the type you are looking for. Use download instructions to help save your pyramid image. Three slides for each type of growth. (rapid, slow, negative) For each slide, describe: 1.the type of growth that is occurring, 2. What is the rate of natural increase? 3. what is the percent of pop. <15 and +65? (WPDS), 4. Is the the country is developed or developing? 5.How can you tell whether it is developing or developed?
How does population composition tell us about the future of a country? Exit Ticket How does population composition tell us about the future of a country?