P. 01 Welcome address from CNRS to ASEPS Bertrand Girard director CNRS Institute of Physics 1
What is CNRS (1) ? A research executive organization under the authority of the Ministry of Research Omnidisciplinary : all areas of knowledge Frontier research : new concepts to innovation Autonomous : own research strategy Nationwide Worldwide 2
What is CNRS (2) ? Missions Carry out cutting-edge research Contribute to society Train for and through research 3
CNRS potential 11,600 researchers (tenured civil servants) Main player in French research with 1,200 affiliated laboratories throughout France and abroad 90+ intramural laboratories (owned and run by CNRS) 90+ joint labs with industry or other research organizations 1,000+ joint labs in partnership with universities Payroll 32,000 people 11,600 researchers (tenured civil servants) 14,400 support staff (tenured civil servants) 6,000 short-term positions (PhD students, post-docs, visiting scholars…) Total staff working at 1,200 CNRS labs: 75,000 (including university payroll) CNRS budget is approx 3.3 billion Euros
CNRS annual scientific production: 13 Nobel Prizes 8 Fields Medals 27,500/yr articles in international scientific journals = 55% of all publications in France = 6% of all publications in Europe = 2.5% of all publications in the World 250/yr patents 30/yr new spin-off companies 300 spin-off companies created since 1999 high success rate : 80% spin-off active today
Environmental Sciences Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions INSU Earth Sciences and Astronomy INC Chemistry INEE Environmental Sciences INP Physics IN2P3 Nuclear and Particles Physics INSB Biological sciences INSHS Humanities and Social Sciences INSMI Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions INS2I Computer Sciences and their Interactions INSIS Engineering Sciences and Systems 10 Institutes 6 In Physics, 80% of the French publications are produced by CNRS labs
CNRS in the World : 5,000 visiting scholars from abroad 1,714 CNRS researchers hold foreign nationality (54% from EU) 25% of annual recruits (permanent researchers) are Foreigners 300 CNRS researchers on leave in foreign labs 52% of CNRS papers are co-authored with scientists abroad 30% of CNRS papers are co-authored with European partners International cooperation is the integral part of CNRS activity
CNRS offices abroad Tokyo Moscow Brussels Washington Beijing Hanoi Rio de Janeiro Johannesburg Santiago
A range of Agreements : Several kinds of Agreements for scientific cooperation are signed between CNRS and Foreign Research Organizations, which cover, always within the framework of joint research projects, from basic mobility expenses all the way to joint laboratories: PICS : International Programs for Scientific Cooperation GDRI : International Research Networks LIA : International Associated Laboratory UMI : International Joint Units Large international research facilities The selection of projects is based on their Excellence and Novelty.
The activities of the CNRS in :. ASIA-PACIFIC The activities of the CNRS in : ASIA-PACIFIC Geographic distribution of Agreements 48 39 12 9 6 1 2 15 5 1
There is a strong will of CNRS to develop cooperation with Asian countries Thank you